Thursday, October 21, 2010

Malachi: A Report (Thursday, 10/21/10)

Malachi reminds me of a parrot!

And I mean that in the most loving way a dad can. I'm not trying to be mean, but it is a fact.

Now you may be thinking that most kids are like a parrot. They repeat everything they hear, repeating phrases correctly or incorrectly. And that's correct in that assumption. But that's not exactly what I'm getting at.

Malachi likes to repeat a phrase over, and over, and over, and over again! More like a broken record I guess. Let me give an example from yesterday:

Malachi: Daddy, I thirsty.
Me: Okay. (I get a cup)
Malachi: Daddy I want a drink, I want kool-aid.
Me: Okay, kool-aid it is. (I get the kool-aid)
Malachi: I want kool-aid.
Malachi: I want kool-aid.
Malachi: I want kool-aid.
Malachi: I want kool-aid.
Malachi: I want kool-aid.
Malachi:  I want kool-aid.
Me: Okay, Okay.. here you go. (I give him kool-aid)
Malachi: I'm hungry. I want a apple.
Malachi: Daddy.. I want apple
Malachi: I want apple.
Me: Let me cut one up. (I start on the apple)
Malachi: I want apple.
Malachi: I want apple.
Malachi: I want apple.
Malachi: I want apple.
Malachi: I want apple.
Malachi: I want apple..........

See what I mean? lol


1 comment:

One and Onlys Blog said...

Haha! I know exactly whatcha mean! :)