Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week Rundown! (10/10/10 - 10/16/10)


Sunday morning was usual. I had vans, and church services was good. We rested in the afternoon. I was tired, Lydia was tired, and the kids were too..

This evening, we headed to the funeral of Kathy Collins. The church was pretty full, and our kids behaved pretty good. Malachi was energetic, and became more impatient toward the end, but did well overall. The service nice, and very emotional. You can read about it here: http://www.ktts.com/news/104680464.html

There was food catered in for family, after the services. We ate, visited, and comforted each other before going home for the night.


Today, I took off as vacation. Lydia went to work and Malachi went to daycare. I took Mysia dentist! She had a cavity that needed filled. They placed her on the chair, let her wear sunglasses, and went to work on her tooth. I sat in the a chair close by, but she did so well. The only thing that was difficult for her was that she couldn't talk to them while the nurse or dentist was working in her mouth! I guess she's her daddy's daughter! lol!

The dentist visit was fast, and I was able to drop her off in time for school. I then went home and got a few things done before heading to church for the rest of the afternoon.

Our church was holding the Baptist Bible Fellowship Meeting, and I was a part of it. I got to sing in a quintet (5 guys), and Steppin' Out got to sing as well. I also got to visit with several of the local pastors. It was a chance to also hand out my business card for my graphic design services and the quartet as well.

Lydia got tags for the van after she got off work. She then picked up the kids, and was able to make it to church in time for the supper. Then it was off to my parents' house! Today is Sam's 20th birthday, so we went over there for ice cream and cake! Silas & Kristi showed up as well, which thrilled the kids (and us too of course). When they appeared at the door, Mysia ran past Silas and gave Kristi a big hug! Aunts are cooler I guess! lol! We had a good time visiting. The kids got Abigail and Grandma Taylor to sit on the floor and play a game! When we left, we headed to walmart to pick up a few items and then headed home!


Back to work for me.. :( It was so nice to have a four-day weekend!

After work, Lydia and Mysia took the van to get washed. Malachi and I took the car too. It took longer for us guys since the car needed vacuumed out as well as washed. After going through the wash, Malachi noticed that some bird droppings had remained on the back windshield... and insisted that we go through again! I was able to wipe it off when we got home.

Silas and Kristi came over for a visit, and had dinner with us as well. We enjoyed having them over.


Mysia was picked up by Abigail from school and went over to granny's house. The rest of us came home, ate supper, and we met up at church. After church, we came home, worked on homework, and then wnet to bed.


This morning, I met with Dave Taylor at KWFC to go over flyers for the upcoming concerts. He gave me some work to have done by the next morning!

I then returned home, got ready, and it was time to head out. Mysia and Lydia to school, Malachi to daycare, me to work...

Back at home, we played with kids and ate supper. After getting the kids to bed, I worked on the posters and flyers while Lydia made tow cheesecakes and did homework. She actually got finished before I did!


It was a typical Friday, and I glad it was the end of the work week!

After work, I ran to Walmart to pick up a few things. It was crowed! I then met Lydia and the kids at home, and we hurried off to Nixa. Tonight was Lycia's surprise birthday party! We arrived there in plenty of time! The relatives were all there, and the kids got to play for a good while before Lycia showed up! Since it was a surprise, and she didn't didn't know we were anxiously waiting, she wasn't in a hurry to get there! But we surprised her good!


Stayed home and enjoyed a day of rest. It was something we hadn't done it a long while!

Even though we made sure nothing was planned, we caught ourselves feeling like there was somewhere we had to go! And the day wasn't without some problems!

I pulled out the radio controlled vehicles we had. Malachi had one he had got for Christmas last year, and Lydia had recently got one for free from work. We played with them for several hours! They had more fun running them into everyone's feet!

Several weeks before, we had problems with our router not working correctly. The wifi would occasionally not work. So, I'd reset it. Well, today, while I was working on bills and Lydia was working on homework... our wifi finally died out on us! Ugh! I could plug the network cord to my computer and get internet, but since it was located in our bedroom closet, it wasn't very convenient! So when I did the grocery shopping after supper, I bought a new router. Come to find out, our old router was slow! This new one is fast and powerful! So even though it cost us a bit to buy a new one, I'm not complaining that we're hurting too much. It's nice! :)


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