Monday, October 25, 2010

Week Rundown! (10/17/10 - 10/23/10)


Just like most Sundays, the day started out the same. Running the vans, picking up folks, and then attending services. It was a beautiful morning, and I was hoping it wouldn't get too hot.

Lydia went home after services, and I finished running my van route before getting there too. We immediately left the house when I got there, and I ate my lunch on the way to Nathaniel Greene Park. Mysia to have her Daisy Scouts presentation there!

When we arrived at the park, we were greeted with a ton of people trying to get in to park. Come to find out, there was a concert going on! We ended up parking out side of the park grounds, and had to walk quite a ways to get to the group. There were actually two concerts going on at the same time! Next to the park sits the American Legion, and they were having an outdoor concert there too, sounding like they were competing! And we were in-between the two!!!!

The girls did their presentation, crossing over the bridge, saying their motto, and receiving their badges. Afterwards, we ate cake. The girls got some group photos, and they played for a bit. This was the last event for Mysia with the group... schedule conflict and things were not working out. Hopefully, in the near future, we can get her back in.

During the evening services, Lydia and I had toddlers at church. Thankfully they were all good, and not super hyper! After the services we attended the monthly birthday and anniversary dinner. It was yummy! (I always enjoy our food and fellowship at church!)


Ahh, the first of the work week! And back to our normal schedule. Came home, got dinner going. Lydia worked on it while I helped Mysia with her homework.

The neighbors next door had a cat the had kittens, and boy were they noisy! Come to find out, they were hungry! The mother had stopped feeding them. We tried giving them milk, but they didn't take to it very well.

I was able to grab some food before I left for quartet practice. We're still working on Christmas songs, and are hoping to sing sometime soon.

When I arrived back home, Lydia was working homework... it just never ends!


Boy, what an exciting day! After work, I picked up Malachi and called Lydia. She had gotten Mysia from school and went to BioLife to give plasma, afterwards, she headed to the Palace Theater to get tickets for Toy Story 3! It was dollar day, so tickets were a good price for us! I ran by McDonald's and grabbed some food from the drivethru. We ate our food in the parking lot of the movie theater before going in.

My family had decided to show up as well, and so did Paulette and Moses. There were also a few teens from church. The movie was great! Unfortunately, it was a little too much for Malachi though. When the toys were about to be incinerated, he was crying and clutching my neck. Mysia didn't care for that part either. They both commented on the way home that they don't to watch it again. I think it was a bit too emotional and full of drama for their age. But I'm sure they'll like it when they get older.


When we arrived home after work/daycare, the kittens were loud! They were really hungry. In fact, when they saw us, they crawled through the chain-link fence and attacked Malachi, wanting him to hold them. Of course, he wasn't complaining. I was more afraid that he's squeeze them to death by grabbing and holding them, but it was their fault for coming to him! lol

The neighbor was trying to find someone to get them, without any luck. He said he had tried to drop them off at several places, but they wouldn't take them. There was NO way that we were! I can promise that! Anyway, we all tried feeding them again, and they actually took some evaporated milk from the can that we had.

Messing with the kittens had put us behind, but we were soon off to church. We were going to make it right on time... but Malachi insisted on having to go to the restroom. And he had to go right then! So we pulled off to a gas-station, and I ran him in. He took his time while in there, saying he didn't "have to go bad now." Argh!!!

The kids program went pretty well, and was adventurous as always. Nothing too surprising, but not always the same. That's what happens when you deal with a lot of kids!


Lydia and I had decided that instead of getting individual gifts for Christmas for our family (her, I, and the kids), we'd get something for us all to enjoy. We didn't know how we'd afford it, but were very interested in getting a Nintendo Wii. Then a few weeks ago, my parents found one through craigslist for a really reasonable price! So I started checking it daily, hoping to find us one. There were several attempts, but nothing really panned out. Until today...

So after work, I picked up Malachi and met Lydia downtown. She had gone by the bank, and when we met she got her and I some supper, and gave me the money. She then took the kids and headed over to my parents' house while I went to check the system out. It was quite a deal! And I made the payment, got the system, and met Lydia at my folks'.

Lydia and I left the kids under my parents' care and headed off to the Southern Gospel concert that was in town. We got to see the Whisnants, Jonathan Martin, and the Triumphant Quartet! It was a great concert! My favorite group was Triumphant!! They really did a great job! I see why they were recently voted America's #1 quartet.... they're great!

After the concert, we picked up the kids and headed home. What a night!


This evening was supposed to be our discipleship meeting, but due to illness, our disciplers had to cancel. So we did some housework, let the kids play some games, and put them to bed. Lydia and I did a bit of our "state of The Family" meeting, where we go over schedule, family issues, budget, etc.

We also got a call from my brother, Benjamin. He and his wife were in town, and wanted to let us know that they're expecting another kid sometime around June! Wow..!


Today we didn't sleep in much. I ran and got us some cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and boy, where they delicious! The kids watched cartoons for most part of the morning.

We decided that since there was nothing really planned for the main part of the day, that we'd do some running around before noon. So off we went to the Army Surplus store to look around. Then we visited a costume shop. Mysia and Malachi didn't care for some of the scary stuff they had at the store, but sure enjoyed trying on some of the silly masks and looking at some of the costumes.

Our last stop before heading back home was Sam's Club. Lydia and I needed new cases for our iPhones, and knew that this was the place to go for a good deal. We also did a fair amount of our grocery shopping there as well. The best part was the fact that they had a lot of food samples! Yum. We had fish, noodles with chicken, chicken salad sandwich, and freshly baked pumpkin pie! Oh yum!

Back at home, we visited with Benjamin, Ana, and Elijah! We had chocolate chip cookies and visited. The kids played!

After they left, we dropped the kids off at Lycia's for the evening and we headed to a surprise birthday party for our friend Chris. We almost spoiled the surprise by showing up at their loft instead of the designated party room. Whoops! However, it turned out fine, and we had a blast.


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