Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week Rundown! (09/26/10 - 10/02/10)


Woke up to a pretty cool morning! It was Men's Prayer Breakfast at church, so I hurried over there. After that, the day went by pretty quickly. Vans, morning services, vans again, home for short while, and then evening services.

During the evening services, our men's quartet sang "Winging My Way Back Home". We did fairly well. Initially, I was afraid it was going to be a disaster! All through the practices, the other guys kept forgetting their solo lines, or jumping in on the wrong ones. Thankfully, the bass part is the easiest to remember... or there's the fact that I know the song really well! lol! Anyway, during the service, there was no mistakes! Hooray!


It was back to the weekly schedule!

After work, I came home and ate with the family. The kids were a bit hyper, it being the first day back at school/daycare. Then it was off to quartet practice. Lydia worked on homework!


This evening was our first PTA meeting at Mysia's school. It started at 5, so Lydia and Mysia got their first. Malachi and I caught up with them after I got of work and picked him up. The teachers and principle talked about the PTA and what we as parents can do to volunteer and be of assistance. Mysia and her class did a little presentation, which was several songs. They gave us pie at the end, and we headed home.

The kids were hungry, and the PTA meeting lasted until 7! Dinner was cooked in a hurry, and we ate and got the kids ready for bed. Lydia had homework, and I worked on a few projects like usual!


Lydia worked longer hours today, so Mysia was picked up by Abigail from school and taken over to my folks' house. Lydia picked Malachi up after work, and I met them at the house when I got off.

We got to church, met Mysia and Abigail there, and we did assisted in the children's services. We came home after services and snacked on ice cream before sending the kids to bed. Lydia worked on homework for school, and I worked on my discipleship homework. We both ended up falling asleep on the couch before 11... woke up and went to bed! Ha! I guess we were tired!


Today was a special day for Lydia and I! After work, dropped the kids off at my parents' house and we had a date night! We went to Rib Crib for supper, watched a movie, and enjoyed the entire evening together without the kids! Yay!


The day started early! My phone went off at 3:45.. I reached over and turned it off. Too early to wake up.

Then it when off again. I again reached over and turned it off. I then heard a voice from the device... "Matt? You there?" It was my mom. Malachi had woke up vomiting, and my mom needed me to bring him a change of clothes. I dressed and ran over there. I ended up staying and holding Malachi for most of the morning until 7. He was doing better, so I went ahead and left him with my mom, went home, got ready for work, and then headed into work.

Lydia had a field trip with her religion class at college. They got to visit a monastery. She enjoyed the trip, and the fact that she got a change to have some piece and quiet during her time there!

Mysia had the day off from school, so my mom had the kids for the entire day. Malachi was feeling better by breakfast, so that afternoon my mom took them out to the apple orchard! From their report, they had a blast!

While my parents were on the way to drop the kids at home, Malachi vomited. He was wearing his entire happy meal when they pulled up into the driveway... I rushed him inside, Lydia showered him as I helped my dad clean up the mess. However, my dad did a lot of the cleanup! We figured out what it was though! Chocolate milk! Malachi was sensitive towards milk when a baby, and we had to give him soy formula. We believe that his body can't take a lot of milk at one time.

We set the kids up to watch a movie while Tim & Debbie showed up for our discipleship course. The session when very well, and after they left, we got the kids to bed and went to bed ourselves! It had been a long day for me!


After waking up and eating grabbing a quick bite of breakfast with the family, I headed into work for several hours of overtime. Lydia took the kids over to my parents' house to play a bit with their cousin Elijah.

We met back at the house for a quick lunch and then headed out to visit a Messianic Synagogue. They are "a congregation of Messianic Jews; which means that we are Jews who believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the prophesied Messiah." It was a neat experience! If you want to read more about our visit, Lydia blogged about it here.

We visited Lydia's mom and I helped here with some computer stuff. We had a hungering for Taco Bell, so we grabbed some, and headed home fro the evening.


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