Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sharing Too Much Info...? (03/03/11)

I'm sure if you're a facebook user, you've seen status posts like this:

NO one will get this right! my middle name___, my age__, my favorite soda___, my full birthday__/__/__, whose the love of my life__, my best friend___, my eye color__, my hair color__, my favorite color__, my favorite food__, and my moms name___. PUT THIS AS YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHO KNOWS YOU BEST. CAN YOU DO IT??

Or, perhaps you've posted it as well? Um, here's a thought... publicly posting that information together can be harmful!

How so, you might ask? Well, think about it. Much of that info is used as security questions for secure sites like your bank and bill paying. Now it's made available in one post! Yikes!

And to think that people get freaked out when facebook allows their phone number to be shown to friends, when they're the ones who gave facebook the number. Ugh.........!


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