Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Care to Drink Blood? (03/02/11)

Sounds gross, right? What if you were a fan of these vampire books, tv shows, and movies? Sound appealing?

Well, for those vampire fans across our nation, there is some news you can sink your teeth into. It appears that an energy drink will be the right vein for you. Introducing Tru Blood!

I'll be the first to admit it. I don't like this vampire phenomenon. Kids, especially young girls, are going crazy over it. I've seen it first hand... and hear about it almost every week at church. To be honest, I'd rather hear about Justin Bieber! I personally don't like the hype it has, and I also don't think kids should be idolizing Vampires. And I do have a true fear for these kids, especially since there are people who actually take vampirism seriously.

If you look closely, a vampire's belief is self-centered, and anti-God. While browsing around a few vampire websites, I stumbled across a good article on the "salvation" of a vampire based on literature, which I believe gives some good insight. Here's a portion:

"For the vampire, salvation comes through the blood of its victims (donor-chicks and fang-bangers fit here as well). It doesn't really matter if the action of the blood-donor is willing or not; the taking of the blood is the important action. It moves life from the victim into the victimizer (vampire). What is important to remember here is that the vampire does not lose any conscious portion of itself -- arguably the soul is not conscious on a level that the personality (brain) of the human can interact with. They continue walking around on earth."

Some people think it may be in fun, and enjoy reading about them. I'll admit it, I like reading classic literature too, and some of the old lore and stories are enjoyable and very interesting. But when you take it to a different level... actually idolizing the idea and allowing your life to be affected by it, there is danger. Take heed and be mindful what you allow in your life! It can affect you and your family.

Young kids are taken up with the romanticism in the stories and media surrounding vampirism. Since it's very popular, kids are just taking it in without thought. Some just don't see the difference between fiction and reality. And it's no secret that those young minds are easily impressed upon.

Anyway, I guess that's my rant for today.....


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