Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Walking the Neighborhood (03/23/11)

Yesterday, after supper, I went for a walk around the neighborhood, pulling both kids in the wagon behind me. Lydia stayed inside the house to work on homework. Mysia and Malachi did pretty well, especially considering the fact that they both had to share the wagon. As we strolled down the streets (there are no sidewalks in our neighborhood), we noticed dogs barking, kids playing, and adults hollering at each other. We were waved at by folks sitting on their porches and by those who'd drive by.

Mysia enjoyed 'barking' back at the dogs, and Malachi would holler hey to anyone he seen. During the entire stroll, both kids would make comments on what they seen, and weren't very candid about it either. Not only that, each comment was yelled. For example... we passed one house that had some items lying about in the yard, and the owners sitting on the porch. Mysia exclaimed loudly, "Ewww... I don't want that house! They've got a lot of junk!" Needless to say, my pace picked up a bit.

Besides all the excitement at each corner, it was great to get out and enjoy the nice weather. We had a good walk and I plan on doing it more often, but hopefully without all the comments. Uh, yeah right....


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