Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week Rundown! (3/13/11 - 3/19/11)


 It was a beautiful day, and the weather was nice. Due to Daylight Savings Time, I didn't want to get up! I ran vans for church, but only picked up one person.... most likely due to the time change. :(
 We spent the afternoon with the Banks. I tried to help Tim with his new iPod touch, but it was giving us fits with the update. (Sometimes I hate technology) I sang in evening service, and afterwards we attended a church teachers meeting before heading home.


 Lydia on spring break this whole week, and was glad it was finally here. I woke up early, went in to the gym for my workout and then headed to work. Lydia got up, dropped the kids off at daycare and school, and went into an interview. They were looking for someone full-time and willing to start within the next few weeks, so it didn't turn out.
 This evening, we went over to Mee-Maw's (Paulette) house for supper. We visited and the kids watched Disney's Robin Hood. We didn't stay late, but got the kids to bed at a decent hour.


 Lydia slept in, and I got up early and went to workout before going into to work. After dropping the kids off she went to help at the 'Kitchen' downtown. It's part of her volunteer work she is required to do for one of her classes.
 We went over to my parents' house since Aunt Ana and Cousin Elijah was in town for a visit! It gave the kids a chance to to play and spend some time together. And of course, we spent the time visiting.


 The day went by normally. Gym and work for me, school/daycare for the kids, and volunteering for Lydia. We had church this evening, and it went very well. The kids were well behaved and didn't wear us out by the time we got home!


 This morning was just like the others. Lydia volunteered at the 'Kitchen, then picked up the kids and did a little shopping before coming home. They arrived a few minutes before I did. Lydia and I cleaned out some of the garage since the weather was nice and the kids played outside. We were able to make a little progress on the mess before it was time to eat supper. After eating, Lydia left for her cousin's wedding party. I helped Mysia with her homework, and then got the kids showered and ready for bed.
 Once the house was quiet, I worked on some projects while watching MythBusters. Yes... I'm now addicted to the show! I enjoyed a few episodes before Lydia came back home.


 We thought the day was going to be nice and we all left home without jackets. Well, that was a mistake, by noon, a cold front came in and it had gotten cold again! When I came home from work, Lydia had already started supper in preparation for our night of discipleship with the Banks. When they arrived, we ate supper, put on a movie for the kids, and went over our material. Afterwards, I was able to get Tim's iPod touch to sync with his laptop! We then spent some time uploading apps, music, movies, and pdfs to his device. I also set it up to sync his calendar. I was so happy that we finally got it to work!
 After they left, we got the kids to bed and then worked on different things while watching some MythBusters. Lydia did some baking for the Relay for Life yard sale planned for tomorrow.


 We usually try and sleep in on Saturdays, but not today! I got up early and loaded the van with our old couch and some of the kids old toys. Lydia took them to the Relay for Life yard sale. I then got the kids ready for the day, and when Lydia came back, we headed to my folks' house for breakfast.
 My brother, Benjamin, had came into town the night before, so we decided to spend the morning visiting with the entire family and enjoy breakfast too! Us guys had been talking guns, which is separate from talking technology (almost surprising when you think of it). So we headed out to the gun show that was being held at the fair grounds. We spent several hours there, looking and shopping. The kids stayed and watched a movie before Lydia took them home for naps. When I got back home, we got ready for a wedding!
 Lydia's cousin, Jacinda, was getting married. We had to be at the church at 4pm for pictures. I also had to set up the video cameras. The church was all decorated very nice! In fact, I think it was the best I've seen it for a wedding so far. Mysia behaved pretty well during the ceremony, but Malachi was 'squirmy'. It was until I found my pocket-watch for him to play around with, did he settle down.
 Lydia served punch during the reception that followed, and I tried my best with kid control. But over all, things went well. After the wedding was over, we stayed and helped clean up. We plugged the kids up to several movies. It was past 10:30 when we got back home! What a long day!!!


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