Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blogs on the Buzz

I follow many blogs, mostly those that are about Southern Gospel and iPhone news. I’ve found out that controversy can really start a buzz. It doesn’t have to be something major either, just the fact that others want to state their opinion. I’ve noticed that there are those that may not like it, thinking that it causes too much negativity. But besides it making things interesting, I like it because it gets topics going and gains interest.

Now, I’ll agree that I don’t agree with everything that may be said or posted on some blogs, but I do respect others’ thoughts and opinions. Hey, that’s what makes for a great conversation! If we weren’t allowed to think for ourselves, others would control our lives! So... bring it on!

I don’t think my blogs would ever cause a “buzz”. I’m probably a little more cautious with my posts. But, then again, you never know what I might post later on!

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