Monday, May 7, 2012

Week Rundown! (04/29/12 - 05/05/12)


I got up and took Malachi with me to the men's prayer breakfast at church. He had dressed himself, and wore a black suit-coat with blue dress pants... oops! He got the chance to spend the afternoon with Granny and Grandad.

Mysia and I played video games during the afternoon while Lydia worked on homework. Mysia can do very well and is able to get some great high scores, sure makes her geek dad proud!

After evening services, we went for some ice cream with friends. The kids ended up playing on our Nooks while we visited! Go figure!


Mysia was able to finish her homework before I picked her up. She's quick, and smart!

After work, Lydia and picked up the kids and went out to eat. The kids got an ice cream cone, and then we did a quick grocery run.

This evening was quartet practice. We ran over all of the our previous songs, and are hoping to be singing somewhere soon... just looking for someone to book us!


We spent the evening at home. Lydia had quite a bit of homework to do, so she spent most of evening working on it. We made chicken veggie bars for supper and watched the Dick Van Dyke Show on Netflix before putting the kids to bed.


I took off early from work, picked up Malachi, and headed to the dentist. We both got a good cleaning. We were finished before Lydia and Mysia showed up for their appointment.

After a quick supper at home, we made it to church for mid-week services. The children's service program is nearing the end for the semester, so we were working on getting through their books for the badges and awards for next week.


After work, Lydia picked up the kids and headed home. They ate, played games, and watched some classic tv shows on NetFlix. Once the kids got to bed, Lydia worked on homework.

The evening was busy for me, but fun. After I was finished with work, I headed over to help with the concert featuring Palmetto State. It was neat being able to listen in to the sound-check, and talking with the guys. They are now a five-guy vocal group, featuring two on the bass vocals. Their sound was awesome! And even though the attendance was low, they put on a great concert!


Mysia had a full day at school, but Boys and Girls Club was closed for the day, so she got to spend the last part of the day in my office. She drew, wrote, organized a corner with her 'supplies', and played some games on the gameboy.

Since it was "Star Wars Day", Lydia and I watched several of the movies after the kids went to bed. Since they're nothing new, Lydia did her homework and I worked on some projects while we watched.


The kids played and watched some tv this morning. I finished up more projects before noon. Lydia got things done as well. I let the kids play outside while I made a walking path through our garage... we have too much stuff! I then spent the afternoon putting together the gas grill I had got for my birthday last month. It was a pain, but I got it assembled!

Since the day was hot, we decided to go to the park and let the kids play in the water. Abigail met us there. The kids played and rode around on their scooters. They were soaked for most of the time, while Lydia and I just got our feet wet. It was nice to get away and spend some time at the park. On the way home, we got slushies! Yum!

We gave the kids showers and let them watch a tv show before sending them off to bed. What a day!


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