Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week Rundown! (05/20/12 - 05/26/12)


I had church vans this morning, and then we attended morning services. After church, we met my extended family at Hong Kong Garden in town. It was buffet style food, and we enjoyed visiting with my parents, grandparents, and uncle and aunt.

Before heading over to my parents' house for the afternoon, we drove by Sam's new apartment. My grandparents rode in our van at Mysia and Malachi's request... and boy, did that make it special for them. At my folks' house, we visited before they had to head back on the road for Kansas.

We attended evening services, then came home and went to bed.


Today was the beginning of the last week of 1st grade for Mysia at school. They have several things planned for the next few days, including field-trips to the neighboring park. She came home with exciting tales of what she did.

Since Lydia is done with college for the summer, her work hours are more manageable, allowing her to get off early enough to pick up Mysia and Malachi before 4. When they arrived home, they started on the bedrooms. Mysia's needed a good 'renovation' if you will. She has many toys, notebooks, dress up clothes, makeup, hair accessories, etc... all needs to be gone through and sorted out. That was the big project for the evening. As it turns out, something that's going to last for several days.


After getting off work, Lydia took the kids to the library. It was a promise she had made if they had their rooms cleaned. Being our kids, Mysia and Malachi loved it! They brought home several books, and made sure that I knew all about them.

We spent the evening working on organizing more of Mysia's room. Figuring what to get rid of, what to keep, and what goes where. There was still more to do, but by the kids bedtime, we halted our progress! ;)


I woke up at 2am with severe abdominal pains. Nothing I did eased the pains either, and they finally went away around 7am. However, all muscles in my stomach were very sore, and I was exhausted. Fearing that it may have been the flu, I stayed home from work to recover and rest.

Lydia took the kids to school and daycare before heading into work. This was Mysia's last day of school, so they let off early. Lydia brought her home during her lunch break. While I rested, Mysia played and then watched "Tangled" before Lydia and Malachi came home for the evening. Mysia had brought home her end-of-the-year report card for 1st grade... and excels at EVERYTHING! Yay!!!!

I stayed home from church, not wanting to pass on any virus to others, and as a precaution, Lydia and the kids stayed home as well. We read books and spent time reading the Bible since we missed services. Once the kids got their showers, we went to bed.


Today we came home and ate dinner. Lydia and I had been trying to eat healthy this week with our variation of the cabbage soup diet, but since I got sick and Lydia was finding herself weak, we decided to alter our plans. So after dinner, we headed to the store to prepare for an alternate menu for the rest of the week. We also did some shopping for some household items that we needed.


After getting off work, Lydia picked up Mysia and headed to church to help decorate for Kristi's baby shower tomorrow. I got off work a little early, picked up Malachi, and came home to get some things done before supper. Malachi and I watched "Cars 2"... one of his favorite movies.

After dinner, we met my family at the grave-site of my grandpa. We set up flowers and sang a few songs. We then headed over to my parents' house for some home-made ice cream! Yum! By the time we got home, the kids were tired, and went straight to bed.


This morning I got up and put together the bunk bed for Malachi. He was so excited. It took a while, and reminded me of an over-sized "Erector Set". We ate a quick lunch and headed out to Christian Publishers Outlet. Lydia was given a gift card and money for graduation, and she was determined on getting some good books. After spending an hour browsing books we left with a handful... even I grabbed several.

Mysia and Lydia attended the baby-shower of Kristi at church while I watched Malachi play outside. Malachi was invited inside to eat some of the refreshments, but we enjoyed the nice weather.

We met Paulette at the grave-site of Lydia's grandparents. We set up flowers there as well. After we got home, we got the kids ready for bed. Once they were asleep, Lydia and I watched "Thor" and "Captain America". Both were good, but we liked "Captain America" better... we both like history.


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