Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Diet...

No, I’m not talking about soda. I’m currently on a diet, a food diet. It’s something that Lydia and I have been talking about doing, but just haven’t scheduled a good time to start. We didn’t want to do anything that would add to her college stress, so we waited until last week to implement anything.

We decided upon the cabbage diet (the kids on regular menu of course). After the first two days, things were looking good. But by Wednesday, Lydia was weak... and I was sick! There are only a few food items I cannot stomach, vegetable soup being one of them. Well, you can now add cabbage soup to that very short list. I ate it, but it made me want to vomit. With me getting sick, it did not help matters.

I had commented to Lydia that I’d rather take tuna, both for the high protein and the fact that it actually has great taste. I then did some research on the internet, and there are a few ‘tuna diets’ out there. Needless to say, on the way home, Lydia stopped by the store and got tuna. Boy, by Thursday evening, we were feeling better!

On Monday, we weighed ourselves... yup! We lost weight! Hooray!

We’re still on the diet, adding a few things in throughout the week. Things are looking good, and we’re feeling fine. There is no lack in energy, and we’re being creative with our tuna. For example, we had tuna wraps for supper!

We’ll see if we can reach our goal weights by Thanksgiving? Hmmmm... that sure would be nice!


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