Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mysia's Head Injury... (update)

I mentioned in yesterday's post that Mysia gashed her head while at daycare. Well, according to her, she was laughing about something funny with her friends, and her head went down and struck the table. Obviously, she didn't cry initially, and it was the other kids that brought it to the teachers' attention. They said blood was streaming down her face. Now the tables are round, and the wound is not from a corner, it was from the edge of the table!

Lydia was able to get Mysia to the doctor, who tried to put stitches in. The Doctor, a nurse, and Lydia tried holding Mysia still.... didn't work. She wouldn't have it. So they glued the wound shut and applied a tape that will come off on its own.

Mysia went back to daycare, and Lydia when back to school. Mysia's playing caused it to bleed a little more, so they put a band-aid on it to help keep it from coming off!

I took the picture before heading off for evening services at church!


On another note... yesterday morning I accidentally left my razor out on the counter. Well, sometime after 4pm, Mysia came to Lydia saying her lip was bleeding! Mysia had tried to use my razor on her face. Lydia went into the bathroom to put it away, and there was Malachi using it on his cheeks!  Oooooh those kids!


1 comment:

Tabitha C. said...

I love the story of Mysia cutting her lip with the razor! I remember doing the same thing when I was 3 or 4. A little cut sure causes a lot of blood!