Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week Rundown! (07/04/10 - 07/10/10)


Happy 4th!!! And once again, today was another busy Sunday!

My van route was a little low, and we figure that many were away for the holiday. But that didn't hinder attendance for the services!

For lunch, we spent the afternoon at Paulette's. We all got a little bit of a nap... which was real good!!!

The evening services were special! We had Vacation Bible School kickoff! Everything was done in preparation for VBS this week. During the services, Mysia was baptized. The water was cold, since they forgot to fill up the baptismal until right before services, but Mysia did well. Even though she shivered a bit, there was a grin from ear to ear! Most of the family members where there (Aunts & Uncles...). I took pictures and got a video.

After the services, there was food, singing, fellowship, and of course.... fireworks!!!!

Note: Each night was busy for us! Lydia would get off work or school, pick up the kids, pick up me, and then we'd head straight to the church. Sometimes we got there a bit early, and sometimes with little time to spare! It was rush.. rush.. rush! Vacation Bible School is awesome... and Soul Survivor On Danger Island is the theme for the week. Each day we get to visit a different part of the "island" and see how it applies to us through Scripture.

Monday: Soul Survivor at Shipwreck Point

Today was the official start of VBS.... and the start of some fun on facebook! I'll be sharing some of my puns that I plan on posting throughout the week!

The word for today is ABIDE. We learned how, when in fear, we need to abide in God. Just like Joshua had to overcome fear when leading the complaining tribe of Israel into the promised land, he also had to trust and abide in the Lord.

I got picked to represent the boys for the penny offering, and that meant that at the end of the week, if we loose... I get a pie in the face!!!

The facebook post:
- MattPaasch wonders why, when asked, "What would you bring with you to a deserted island", how come no one ever relies, "A boat."?

Tuesday: Soul Survivor at Big Shadow Cave

TRUST was the life application for the lesson today. Just like David, we need to trust God when threatened.

I brought a flashlight to class, and taught how, when in a cave, we trust the light to point out the way. It lights up the path, showing us the pitfalls and dangers, as well as the safe path. Just like the Bible!

The facebook post:
- MattPaasch tried to come up with a "cave" pun.. but gave up on the hole idea....

Wednesday: Soul Survivor at Quicksand Cove

Today's lesson was great!!! The story was on Hezekiah, who was not afraid to PRAYed when frightened. Plus, we talked about quicksand. I did some research on quicksand and found that it's not really life-threatening as portrayed in media. However, one can drown in it if in panic! To get out, you must be calm, lean forward in a form of prayer, and you'll eventually 'float' back to the top... Just like what we need to do when in the situations that come our way!!!

The facebook posts:
- MattPaasch - what do you call four bullfighters in quicksand? "Quatro Cinco"
- MattPaasch - what do you have when there is a lawyer up to his neck in quicksand? "Not enough quicksand!"
- MattPaasch heard that a cow got stuck in quicksand and crews couldn't pull it out... so they had to put him down. I guess the steaks were too high...
- MattPaasch has a 'sinking' feeling that he's going to get into 'deep' trouble if he posts more quicksand puns...!

Thursday: Soul Survivor at Hot Rock Volcano

The volcano theme was a great one. The lesson was learning to STAND for God when tempted... just like the three Hebrew boys in the furnace!

The facebook posts:
- MattPaasch will be going with the FLOW... Warning - These volcano puns I'll be posting may be EXPLOSIVE!

- MattPaasch hopes that his volcano puns don't cause people to VENT anger and SPEW frustration in the comments!

- MattPaasch is afraid his mind has gone DORMANT on posting volcano puns.... naw, things are starting to HEAT up!

- MattPaasch admits that he has some FAULTS, but can't resist posting these TUBEular volcano puns!

- MattPaasch is now wondering if these volcano posts would be considered puns of great MAGMA-TUBE...!

- MattPaasch is thrilled.... VBS will be a HOT SPOT tonight! See you all CRATER!

- MattPaasch is LAVAing his head off...

Friday: Soul Survivor at Boggy Swamp

Oh... the last day of the week! We're tired, but making it through! Today we learned to OBEY, just like Gideon. He didn't falter when God had him dwindle his army down.. he just simply obeyed. And God brought the victory.

The penny offering all week has been back and forth!!! The girls won overall for tonight, but there is still a chance for us boys to win Sunday night! It's been one exciting week!

Lydia's brother, Moses, ended up in the ER with a viral infection. He had passed out at church, and then again when at home. Lydia went and stayed with her family at the hospital until he was released. She didn't get home until 5am!!!!

The facebook posts:
- MattPaasch is too bogged down to post a pun...
- MattPaasch has a funny feeling that he'll be swamped today!
- MattPaasch searched for good swamp puns today with no luck. It has left him stumped...
- MattPaasch heard that if you drive through swamp country you will see swamps going bayou.


We got some rest today... not much.. but some!

Lydia was super-tired from being at the hospital all night, but we got up and headed to the park downtown for family pictures with Lydia's siblings. As you can imagine, they were all tired too!!!

The weather was nice, and the sun was out! Perfect for pictures. However, Malachi was a brat! It took Lydia and I for surprise. Usually he's not like this, but he just didn't want to be a part of it at all! Despite this, the entire thing went well, and when we played in the water toward the end, Malachi was happier! So perhaps the pictures that include him won't be as bad!

On the way home, we stopped by the auto store and I picked up a coil pack. The car has been kicking again whenever we turn on the air. Our friend Ben from church explained that replacing this should fix the problem. So after our naps (yes... we took naps!!!), I installed it! It didn't take too long, and so far, so good! It didn't kick at all when we went to get the church van!

The evening was pretty good... I worked on my portfolio online, Lydia helped me with updating my resume as well! The kids played, we watched tv... and later on, I did a grocery run!


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