Friday, July 2, 2010

Your Private Info Being Published? (Friday, 07/02/10)

"Oh no! My info that I submitted is now published! Why?" -Facebook User

There is a scare going around on the internet that frustrates me. People are afraid of their information being made public, especially online. It causes fear and panic. But in reality, it can be easily fixed. The true remedy...?

Don't publish it!

Yes, it's that simple. What you submit will be posted. You have the choice on what you want made available to the public.

Do you own a phone book? Is your name in there? If so, your information is considered public, and it is also available online. is an excellent example. If you want your name, address, or number removed, just call your phone company and request to become unlisted. However, that will then deny friends and family the ability to look you up if needed.

As for social websites like FaceBook and Myspace, the same rule applies. If you don't want that info made available, don't submit it! You are not required to give your address and phone number. But if you do, you have the choice to make it available for public view or just your friends. 

Now to put some logical thinking to the test.....

Let's say you submit a photo, it's funny, but probably not the best idea to be posting. But you do it anyway. Some friends see it, they take it, email it, and it gets around the world... even attracting media attention. Trouble comes your way.

Who's fault is it? Yours or Facebook? You're the one who submitted the photo!

If you think I'm going over the top with this, check out the article that started the whole thought process for me! Like I said... if you don't want it published, don't submit it!

Comment your thoughts!


1 comment:

Benjamin Paasch said...

I agree. Anything that anyone publishes (including e-mail) can become publically available. Just use common sense.