Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week Rundown! (02/06/11 - 02/12/11)


Since the roads were still pretty slick, church vans were canceled. I got to spend the morning with my family! Unfortunately, we made it to church a little later than expected.

We had a nice restful afternoon, and took naps. In fact, we slept so sound, I was almost late for choir practice!!!


It was still a little slick on the roads this morning, but we went back to our gym schedule. Lydia got up and went in, and then when she came back home, I then went. After my workout, I headed to work. Lydia got the kids ready, took them to daycare and school, and then went to college. She had several hours to study before her class started.

This evening I had quartet practice. Afterwards I did a stop at the store, and then home.


Snow kept us from doing much besides going school and work.

Lydia had volunteer work downtown, so it was the kids and I for most of the evening. We did homework and played same games on the Wii. After they went to bed, Lydia came home and worked on homework.


We woke up with more snow in the forecast. Public schools were cancelled, but Lydia still had college classes. Mysia got to spend most of the day with Mee-Maw. Malachi still went to daycare, and I went to work.

Due to the snow, church was cancelled for the evening. So we stayed home and got some stuff done around the house.


The day went by like all others. This evening Lydia had a meeting with her college honors society. I stayed home with the kids and we played. Lydia came home and worked on homework before we went to bed.


Today was very special for Mysia. She was finally awarded as PRIDE Panther at her school. I was privileged to be able to take off from work and go see the presentation. We're so proud of her!

However, it was part of the school's Friday sing, in which all is encouraged to participate. Thanks to my camera, I was able to opt out on some of it. I took pictures instead. But that didn't prevent them from having me become a cheerleader along with the other parents during the end of the program.

For the evening we had the Banks over for our Discipleship program. We had chicken & rice with egg rolls... one of our favorites.


Malachi woke up during the night about 7 times... vomiting! Yuck. Thankfully, the first time he was able to make it to the toilet, and from then on the 'puke bucket' was his friend! He did very well, considering the situation. The thing is, by the time Lydia and Mysia got up, he was feeling fine and had no problems for the rest of the day!

Lydia had her BioLife appointment around 10, and then when she got back home, I left for the library. I spent an hour or more helping go over the year book creation for Mysia's school. Things are looking good, and I'm excited for how the final result will be. The next errand was grocery shopping for the following week. Ugh.

The rest of the evening went well. We played the Wii and spent time together.


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