Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shoveling Snow (02/03/2011)

Well, you'd think because of this "Blizzard of 2011", with me staying home, I would have wrote a few more blog posts. Sorry. I was still a busy guy! I've been meaning to get on the computer and write some thoughtful articles for this blog. So hopefully I'll get around to that sometime. We'll see!

Yesterday, we ended up with 10 inches of snow. Schools had been canceled (and they are again today), and I didn't even try to go in to work yesterday. However, that didn't keep me from keeping busy. I worked on projects, spent time with the kids and Lydia, and also shoveled the driveway!

To think that I used to like shoveling when I was a teen! I had it in my mind that it would be a pretty cool job to have every winter. My mind has changed now. Of course, 10 inches of snow isn't the easiest to work through either. If it were only a few, I think my dislike for the chore would have been less. I was sweating by the time I was finished!!! Go figure! Oh, and it took me longer to shovel then it takes to mow my entire lawn in the summer!

I seen several guys going from door to door, offering their snow-shoveling services to the neighbors. The thought hit me.... if I had the money, I probably would have paid. But here I was, already over half-way done, and I was determined to finished. They greeted me as they walked by. I shoud've asked how much they were charging, it probably would have made me feel better that I did my own driveway and saved whatever amount!

I am satisfied with my work. With what I accomplished. Unfortunately, I have to wait and see what happens now that snow is in the forecast for Monday!


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