Monday, January 31, 2011

Week Rundown! (01/23/11 - 01/29/11)


Malachi woke up with a pretty high temperature. Lydia stayed home for the morning services, and I ended up coming back by the house with the church van to pick up Mysia. The services were great, but it's odd not being able to sit with my wife!

Lydia went to church for the evening services while I stayed home. Malachi was feeling better, but we thought it would be best not to take him out. Lydia and Mysia stayed after services for the Birthday & Anniversary dinner.


Today started off normal. However, at lunch-time, I got a call from school nurse. Mysia's glands are her neck was swollen and they reported that she had a fever. So I picked her up and took her to Granny's. I went back to work.

After work, I met Lydia and Malachi at home. We ate supper, and then I headed off for quartet practice. We ran over the new songs we've worked on last week.

I brought some clothes of Mysia's with me, she ended up spending the night at Granny's.


Again, Lydia and I hit the gyms at our different times, and then off to school and work! I ended up taking off work early to pick Mysia up from my parent's house. We then came home for a bit to eat some lunch before picking up Malachi. The plan was to meet Lydia at the Doctor's office so I could go back to work.

I get to the doctor's office and park the car. While waiting for Lydia to show up, Mysia has to go to the restroom. We go inside so that she can go, and I go ahead and check her in. We're soon taken to the patient room, where we waited longer! At least in the waiting room they have toys for the kids... however, in the patient room, they don't! Malachi's curiosity was driving me nuts!

The nurse came in, did all the check ups on Mysia, and then left. After some waiting, the doctor came in and id a better examination. That's when Lydia showed up, and I left... hurrying back to work. The doctor did a strep test, and prescribed medication. Lydia went to Walmart to pick it up, and then headed home.


Lydia went to BioLife, and I did my workout on the Wii. When the kids woke up, I told them if they got ready real quick, I'd let them play Mario Kart. It worked!

I was then off to work, and Lydia took the kids to school before heading to work herself. This evening was the kick off for our children's services at church for the year. Labeled as "Fun Night", we had games, devotional/lesson, and snacks.


Lydia went to the gym, came back, and I went in before heading into work. Lydia then dropped Mysia off at school and Malachi at my parents' house before heading into school. Malachi had a blast with Granny. It was a special field-trip day for him!

My mom picked up Mysia from school, and my parents took the kids to "Jump Mania" here in town. Its a place that has inflatables for the kids to jump on. Since Mysia's birthday is tomorrow, it was part of the gift to her from my parents.

Since my parents had the kids for the early part of the evening, Lydia and I took that to our advantage and went out to eat for a dinner date. We had a gift card for Rib Crib, so we ate there! The food was great, and we enjoyed the time together.


Today Mysia turned 6! Hooray! Lydia went to the gym and then returned to make cupcakes for Mysia to take to school. I did my workout on the Wii Fit.

I then went to work, the kids went to school, and then Lydia headed to work. Mysia was supposed to be awarded as a "PRIDE Panther", but they postponed the ceremony next week so that more classmates could join.

We had family over this evening for Mysia's party. Even her Uncle Silas was able to join in from Iraq via Skype. We had pizza, cupcakes, and ice cream. Mysia got clothes, dolls, and money. She was one happy girl.

After everyone left, we got the kids ready for bed and did a "slumber party". That meant that Malachi, Mysia, Lydia and I slept in the living room. The kids got the couch, while Lydia and I slept on the air mattress.


Lydia and I woke up to the kids trying to jump on our air mattress while we were still trying to sleep! So I turned on cartoons. However, it didn't prevent them from trying to wake us up.

Lydia got up and started getting ready to leave, and I made breakfast. She left for BioLife and I left with the kids for church. I was singing with the quartet for a few songs for an activity being held at the church. The kids tagged along and Granny kept an eye on them while the quartet sang. During that time, Lydia arrived back home, and took a little nap.

When the kids and I showed up at home, Lydia was leaving for her tour of the MSU campus. I put the kids down for their nap and decided to take one too. I didn't figure it would last too long, but we ended up sleeping for two hours! Yippee!

Lydia came back, and I took the kids outside to play for a bit and enjoy the nice weather. Well, after about 30-45 minutes, we decided it'd be more fun go to the park! So we did. The kids had a blast while we sat and watched. Lydia brought one of her text books to read. Mysia met several of her friends from school who were at the park as well. Boy, was she ever excited. We also got to visit with our neighbors who had decided to go to. The weather was that nice!

We came back home and let the kids play Mario Kart until supper time. I treated them to Mysia's favorite... Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Then it was time for showers and bed.


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