Tuesday, January 25, 2011

News/iPhone App: Developed by an US Soldier

I like reading technology news... especially about iPhones since I own one. I also like news about our military and things that help them out while on the battlefront.

This news takes the cake! An US Soldier put forth his own money to develop an iPhone app to help his fellow soldier combat the enemy! How cool is that? I think it's awesome!

For now, it seems it will only be available on iPhones... But with how app developers have been trying to make more money, it's getting easier to make apps that work across all mobile OS platforms. So I guess we'll see.

I do know that our military released news earlier that by the end of this year, troops might all be receiving government issued smart phones, since they help keep all informed with updates, maneuvers, etc. Now that I think is pretty cool as well. Using smart technology to keep our heroes safe!



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