Thursday, January 6, 2011

Playing ‘Frogger’ Can Be Dangerous! (01/06/11)

Computer have always been a part of our lives growing up. With them came games, lots of them. We had computers before we even had a NES! In fact, there were several games on the computer that I thought were better than the console games. Of course, several of them were the old arcade games. Those are still fun!

One of those arcade games that we played on our old Commodore 64 computer was "Frogger". You were a frog that would try avoid traffic, snakes, crocodiles, and other frogs. The game was addicting and fun!

Well, at the beginning of this week, I read an article about a 23 year-old man who attempted to play a real-life version of the game. He hit to the streets... literally! He was with friends, hollered out "go', and darted into traffic. Thankfully, for his sake, he didn't get hit by a truck... but did get hit by an SUV that sent him to the hospital! He's still alive. I'll admit that it makes me wonder if there was a stream on the other side of the road....

Anyway, I don't believe this guy was a geek. I'm not even going to classify him as a nerd either. Just a plain dork! (I'll go into the detail on these definitions in a later blog post)

I don't think it was wise for him to jump into this foolish idea, and I wouldn't consider it a leap of faith either.


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