Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Fun: Named After Biblical Characters (Friday, 01/20/10)

An earlier comment on one of my facebook status posts led to this idea for my blog post today.

My parents decided to give Bible names to my siblings and I. It was the same with Lydia's folks. My name is probably the most common besides my brother Samuel. Of course, growing up here in the Ozarks, attending a conservative church, and hanging out with conservative Christian homeschoolers and others.... I know of a lot of other people with Biblical names.

Lydia and I both decided to continue the idea our parents had, and named our kids from the Bible. However, so far, we haven't known or came across anyone with our daughter's name, Mysia. It's interesting to note, Malachi is not as uncommon as one might think.

So for fun, here is a list off the top of my head of names of people (kids and adults) with Bible names that I have known (this includes family):

Aaron, Adam, Adria, Abigail, Abraham, Amos, Andrew, Asa, Benjamin, Bethany, Caleb, Christian, Daniel, David, Deborah, Diana, Elijah, Elisabeth, Esther, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Gideon, Hannah, Hosea, Isaac, Isaiah, Jacob, James, Jared, Jason, Jeremiah, Jesse, Joel, John, Jonah, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua, Josiah, Julia, Leah, Levi, Luke, Lycia, Lydia, Malachi, Matthew, Martha, Mark, Mary, Micha, Michael, Moses, Mysia, Naomi, Nathan, Noah, Peter, Philip, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruth, Samson, Samuel, Sarah, Seth, Sharon, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Stephen, Susanna, Tabitha, Thaddeus, Thomas, Timothy, Titus, Ulla, Zachariah, Zebadiah.

Can you come up with any names I haven't listed?


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