Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday MYSIA (01/28/11)

Today is Mysia's birthday! She turned 6! Wow!

It's almost unbelievable that I am a parent to a six year-old! That just seems so weird, but yet here I am.

Mysia is our princess... She's the sweetest girl I know! She's very smart and creative. In fact, she came home with a report card the other day, and is doing excellent! Lately, she's been writing stories and letters. She's using her knowledge of sounding words out, and is writing 'books'. The spelling is often wrong, but once you sound out what she has wrote, you'll be surprised!

Besides today being her birthday, she is also being recognized at school for her attitude, kindness, etc. At her school, they have a system to recognize certain students, naming them PRIDE Panthers. To get recognized, students are voted by their peers. Well, after working so hard... Mysia got it! She'll be awarded this afternoon!

We're so proud!!!!!


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