Monday, January 3, 2011

Week Rundown! (12/26/10 - 01/01/11)


I woke up tired. It was pretty nice that the Church vans weren't running today. I needed sleep to re-cooperate over the Christmas! Our Sunday school class had breakfast together, a thing we do every year. Services were great, and everyone seemed to have had a good Christmas. Church was pretty full, considering it was the day after Christmas.

We came home, ate lunch, and all went to bed. And we slept.... and slept... and slept...

We all were tired when we woke up from our naps after 4:30! So we had a groggy evening of just spending rest of the day at home.


I had taken the entire week off from work as vacation, which was good, since Mysia was out of school. We also had Malachi take 'vacation' from daycare this week as well. Unfortunately, Lydia still had to work, she didn't get vacation. However, we're thankful that she is able to have a job, so we're not really complaining!

Anyway, Lydia got up and went to work this morning. I got up, made the kids breakfast, and put VeggieTales on trough Netflix. I went to work on some projects I had scheduled for the week. There are videos that I needed to work on, and I have been commissioned to work on a calendar for KWFC. The calendar is a big project, and I want to see how well I can get some of these projects done at home while watching the kids at the same time. Kind of a test run to see how well I can handle the pressure.

Before lunch, Sam came over for a visit. He didn't have to work this week either, so he was enjoying the time off. We talked for a bit, watched some Loony Tunes with the kids, and then played the Wii before he left. I then did some housework, making sure the kids and I didn't make too much of a mess while Lydia was gone at work.

Lydia came home after three, and we got more stuff done around the house, ate supper, and played the Wii. Lydia went over to her mom's house for a visit. Mysia ended up playing Wii Resort and unlocked several of the tracks for the cycling game! She is good at it! She went from 30th place to 1st on several of the races! What a daughter!

After the kids went to bed, I also took time to work on those projects, and didn't go to bed until a little later than I wanted too.


Lydia left work again this morning while I stayed home with kids. I found another VeggieTales video on Netflix. The kids watched the video while worked on projects. Before lunch I pulled out the army-men that Malachi got for Christmas and we played. There were a ton of them! The kids took a bouncy ball and took turns throwing it at each others' army. It was a pretty good battle. I really don't know who 'won', but it was fun anyway!

We ate lunch, and I put them to bed. I then picked up the army-men and worked on projects until they woke up. After work, Lydia stopped by for a bit and then went to visit Mary for the evening. I packed up the kids and headed over to my parents' house for a visit.

When we all got home, we put the kids to bed and watched a movie. I also worked more on the projects.


Today was Lydia's day off. She slept in, and so did I! The kids played nicely for the most part until we got up and moving around. I got up and made pancakes for breakfast.

Since the weather was nice and I wanted some pictures of the kids, I took them outside to play for a while. Boy, they enjoyed that. They played on the fort, swinging and sliding. They even climbed around on the lawn/porch swing frame. I ended up taking 100+ pictures... digital cameras are great!

We then left to visit GiGi (Lydia's Grandma) to wishing her a merry Christmas and give her the Christmas gift we had for her. We spent several hours there. I tried making her a dvd of the kids' Christmas program, but was having trouble with the video format. Ugh!

On our way home, we stopped by the mall. Lydia got a flower hair clip for the upcoming wedding of her brother Titus. We then ate supper at home, and headed off to midweek services at church.


Lydia went back to work today. I again stayed at home with the kids. The day went by like Monday and Tuesday. The kids played and I worked on projects. Of course, I took time to play with them as well, and I definitely didn't ignore them. My voice stated going out! I think it was because I was using it more at home than I usually do while at work!

Lydia went to Biolife after work, so when she came home, I quickly headed out. The quartet was to sing at one of the local nursing homes. Unfortunately, when got there, were denied entrance. A virus had struck the facility, and they weren't allowing visitors....

I returned home and we all played the Wii until time for the kids to go to bed. Lydia worked on the budget while I worked on the projects.


After Lydia left for work, I made breakfast for myself and the kids, did some housework, and let the kids play. Before lunch, Dave Taylor from KWFC stopped by and we went over the project I was designing for him. Mysia and Malachi, both whom had been content playing with each other all morning, found this time to come to me and inquire about everything they could think of! Go figure!

We had an enjoyable lunch, and I put the kids down for a nap. It then struck me that I too could do the same thing... so I did! I took a nap! Boy, did it feel good! Thanks to both of them, I woke up after an hour, but it was a nice rest!

We then got the house picked up and ready. I let the kids play Mario Kart while I made a bunch of Frappuccino for this evening. When Lydia came home, we worked on snacks and supper. Doug and Mary came over, bringing goodies as well. I made steaks on the George Foreman grill my parents gave us for Christmas, and they turned out great!

We all played Wii games into the night. We took breaks to eat snacks and visit. The Frappuccino I made kept me going... that's for sure. After midnight, Doug and Mary went home, and we picked up before going to bed!


The beginning of a new year, and again, we slept in. It felt sooo good! Mysia and Malachi played with each other until Lydia and I got up. It was bit of a lazy morning. I made bacon on the grill, and it turned out great! I was surprised how much grease it drained! Lydia's main focus during the day was getting the turkey and fixings ready for later in the afternoon.

Besides taking time to work on the projects I had, the kids and I played some Wii. We even played Mario Kart with Benjamin over the internet! That was pretty cool. During the kids' naps, Lydia played it as well, unlocking some features in the game. While waiting for Lydia's family to arrive for our "Christmas" with them, we all played Mario Kart. Family fun time!

Paulette, Moses, Kristi, and Lycia showed up at the same time. They brought gifts and food! After everyone was settle in, we ate supper. While eating, we visited! The gift exchange was fun, and it was fun watching Mysia and Malachi open theirs. Games was the next activity, and the girls all played Mario Kart for most of the evening. Talk about a display of interesting driving skills! LOL!!!!! Of course, the conversations wouldn't be complete without the topic of the upcoming wedding less than two weeks!

After the kids went to bed and everyone left, Lydia and I cleaned up the house and did some Wii Fit before heading off to bed.


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