Monday, January 24, 2011

Week Rundown! (01/16/11 - 01/22/11)


Well, it was the last day of our trip. We slowly woke up and got dressed. The kids watched Micky Mouse Clubhouse for a bit, then we went to the lobby and ate breakfast. We decided to hit the pool one more time, and went swimming. While at the pool, we visited with some of Lydia's cousins that were there too. We then headed back to our hotel room, took showers, packed the van, checked out, and headed home.

This time, I made sure we took the quickest routes, and reconfigured my GPS on the iPhone accordingly! We made a few bathroom breaks along the way, and had Burger King and Taco Bell for lunch. The first part of the trip home was quiet, since it was nap-time, and the kids were wore out from swimming (that was the plan, and it worked).

The kids got to enjoy several movies, and I drove the entire way. We, almost ran out of gas in Mansfield, MO.... but I found a gas station in time. We made it home in almost exactly 6 hours! We unpacked and got a lot of stuff put away before we all went to bed. What a long day!


Today was the last day of my vacation. I had taken the day off since Mysia didn't have school.  Lydia had to work, so it was me and the kids!

I decided to get the wedding video off of the camera and onto my laptop. I started recording, and all was going well. The video showed that it captured us as were getting ready to leave on the trip, us at the hotel, and even the wedding rehearsal. However, when it came to the part of the wedding itself... half the screen was showing what was recorded on the tape previously. All of the sudden, the camera started making chunking noises and then gave me an error on screen. I opened it up, too the tape out, and noticed it had chewed the tape and tore it!

I felt like crying!

There was no chance I could even try to put it back together! I was distraught!

Besides that disappointment in technology, the day went by pretty quick. The kids and I ate a good lunch, and then I put them down for naps. I then did some Wii Fit until they got up. I then made sure that their toys were picked up before letting them play Mario Kart until Lydia came home from work.

After supper, I went over to my parents' house to practice with the quartet. We grabbed some familiar hymns, and worked on some arrangements for them. It turned out very well, and the practice was good. I can't wait to sing these songs!!! I then visited with my family for a bit before heading home. Lydia was doing Wii Fit when I arrived. It was long after that we headed to bed.. still tired from the weekend.


Well, it appears we have a new schedule that we're going to try when it comes to the gym, and today was the start of it. Lydia woke up early and went to work out. She then came home and I left to work out and then head into work. For Lydia, she got the kids ready, dropped them off, and then headed to the college for her first day of classes for this spring semester.

After her class she went to work before picking Mysia up from school. From there, it was to BioLife before meeting Malachi and I at home for supper. Poor Lydia then headed off to a meeting she had scheduled while I stayed home with the kids. I did a few things on the computer and around the house, gave the kids showers, let them play Mario Kart, and then put them to bed before Lydia came home. She then worked on some homework... already!!!


Today was like yesterday in schedule, the only difference was that Lydia had work before going to college for her new classes. The day seemed to drag a bit for me, but it was pretty good over-all. We had a pretty quick supper at home before heading into church. It was good to be in services, because it sure felt weird missing Sunday. Boy, we love our church!

After church we headed home and met Titus and Jordin there. We gave them our old queen-sized bed with frame. It barely fit into the moving truck. Titus and I had some rearranging to do to get it to fit... but we did it!

We then headed over to Paulette's to visit with them for a while. We realize it's going to be a while before we see them again. We're so thankful for things like facebook to keep us all connected!


Well, the plan was for us to go to the gym like we had for the past two days. However, Lydia's alarm failed to go off, so she missed her time. And come to find out, moving that bed into the truck had stressed my chest/rib cartilage and I began getting some pains. Not good! (I suffer from costochondritis) I swallowed some ibuprofen, and made sure I took it easy for the rest of the morning.

The day was hectic though. We got a call at 6am from the Springfield Public Schools saying they were closed due to the snow storm. I looked outside... there was not much snow covering the ground. You could still see the grass! At first I couldn't believe it.. that is, until an hour later. Yup, we got over and inch and a half within two hours, and it was still coming down. So I guess they had cause.

Lydia's college cancelled classes too, but she still had work. So we called my mom, and was able to drop the kids off there. They sure enjoyed being with Granny for the day. And they talked about it that evening when at home. Oh, before I get a head of myself.. after work, I met Lydia and the kids at Walmart to get a few things we needed. Then we headed home.

After supper, we got the kids showered and into bed. Lydia worked on homework, something that will be a nightly ritual again, and I worked on a project for KWFC.


Friday was back to normal with our gym schedule. Then it was school for the kids, work for me, and college and work for Lydia. What a day! Abigail picked Mysia up from school, and Lydia met her at home after picking up Malachi. I came home after work.

For supper, we went to McDonald's to meet with Tim & Debbie for our Bible Discipleship. The kids ate and played, while we went over the material.

When we got home, we let the kids play for a bit, then put them to bed.


We enjoyed a lazy morning. The kids woke up at a decent hour and played before I put some cartoons on. Lydia had an appointment with BioLife that morning around 10. I took the kids outside to play in the snow, since we still had some. We built snowmen, and they took shots at me with snowballs when they could get a chance! They have excellent timing.. and aim!

Back inside, in the warm house, I decided to do re-fresh of Lydia's computer since it had been acting up. The kids played, while I did a factory reset of Vista. Unfortunately, afterwards, it seems that when bringing the backed-up files back over, I wrote over a registry file!

Lydia and I got to enjoy several episodes of "Monk" on NetFlix during the afternoon, and the kids played some Wii a bit later on. However, most of the evening was spent trying to keep the laptop from freezing while Lydia worked on homework! You'd think that a computer geek would have less problems... ha!


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