Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Online Communication... a Blessing or a Curse? (01/26/11)

Over the past week, Lydia and I were surprised by the realization on how blessed it can be to have technology.

We often hear how technology is bad, and the internet is bad, facebook is bad..... and we should be scared of it. Well, in my opinion (the reason I have this blog is to share my opinion by the way!), we should be aware of the bad, but that should hinder us from using technology as a tool. Just like this gun debate that has once again come to the spot-light due to the shootings in Utah. Guns are a tool, it's up to the person using them that makes it into something harmful or useful. Take planes for example. They are awesome, they get us where we want to go in less time. However, the terrorists have used them as tools!

Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites are a great tool that can be used for good and bad. Lydia and I, of course, try our best to do right and use them as tools for good. I personally use facebook and twitter to spread humor and cheer. Some people tend to use it as a drama center... telling their woes and complaints with every status update.

Of course, the whole idea of status updates is for attention. Otherwise, no one would post anything. It's designed to share your thoughts. If people were truly humble, they wouldn't post a thing... ha! Now there is a thought!

Anyway, back to my topic.. Technology is a blessing. Thanks to it, Lydia and I are able to keep up with family. Facebook, Skype, email, and texting! If it wasn't for them, I'm afraid we'd be left in the dark when it comes to keeping up with family.

I honestly think that our family wouldn't really care to sit down and write long letters every couple of weeks. Thanks to technology, we keep up with things easier! It's just a fact!

I will agree that it can be a curse. Friends (and family) can use it all to cause drama and problems, just like with anything else. It's sad, but true. That doesn't mean that we should shy away from it. My motto... "Do right". If I offend, let me know, I'll try to correct it. However, if it something that bends my rights, and there is no basis of it being truly offensive, I stick to what I've said or done. I'm not here to play games. I use these sites to keep connected to friends and relatives, that's what they were designed for! :)

As for the blessing... it was awesome to be able to share the wedding with Silas who is serving overseas! We also got to talk and visit with him! I think that will go down in my memory as one of the most greatest events. A huge winning score for technology, and a geek like me!


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