Thursday, January 20, 2011

NEWS: Texting Fountain Girl Plans to Sue Mall

Ha! I love reading news. And I absolutely love finding odd things when searching news outlets online. But this one pretty much takes the cake!

On Jan 12th, security camera video caught mall employee Cathy Cruz Marrero texting on her phone and falling into the Berkshire Mall fountain (Wyomissing, PA) . It was then posted on YouTube and FaceBook, leading to 'fame' on many worldwide media outlets! (gawker)

Well, Cathy has now gotten an attorney and is intending to sue the mall. The reason? The mall security didn't come aid her in a timely manner, and released the video to the public, invading her privacy.

She claims to have had enough of the ordeal, and is upset. She alleges that mall officials told her that since no one can make out her face, it's not a big deal. But yet a fellow church member recognized her by the way she walks, and now she's embarrased.

She is saying that wants to raise awareness of privacy issues, security problems and that texting is very dangerous. She's happy that she's alive, and want's people to be more careful. She promises never to walk and text again.

What gets me is that she's so afraid and distressed of people finding out it's her, that she goes public about it!!! WHAT!?!?!?! Just to tell others that its very dangerous! She's mad that so many has found out, that she wants to stop it by telling others it's her?!?!

Another note... she works at the mall, so she knew the fountain was there!!!!!


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