Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Must Read Book About CS LEWIS!

Since I work at KWFC radio, and it is owned by Baptist Bible College... I'm considered as an employee of the college. That means that there are some neat privilages. For example, I get to enjoy the cafeteria! Yum!

Well, I also received membership to their library. I do love to read, so I had visited it a few times after I was employed back in April. However, since I now read a lot on the internet, and some books on my phone, the library just didn't have that great of an appeal like when I was younger. Well, in early summer, my mom got a job there. So, being the awesome son that I am.... ;) .... I go visit her from time to time.

In one of the visits, I talked about CS Lewis, and how there are companion books to the Narnia series. My mom then did a search on her library computer and read the titles of what they had. There were several that sounded interesting, but one struck my attention. I checked it out, and hoped to read it. I ended up renewing it a few times, since the holidays had taken more of my time than I relaxed it would.

This evening, I just finished reading the book "The Secret Country of C.S. Lewis" by Anne Arnott.

WOW! What a great biography it turned out to be! A must read for any Lewis fan!!! Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Written for young readers (teenagers) back in the mid-70's, it's quite a journey through Lewis' life. I highly recommend it.

I do want to share a quote of Lewis', that I think is great:

"It is Christ Himself, not the Bible, who is the true word of God. The Bible read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers, will bring us to Him... We must not use the Bible (our fathers too often did) as a sort of Encyclopedia out of which texts (isolated from their context and not read with attention to the whole nature and purport of the books in which they occur) can be taken for uses as weapons."


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