Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Those Candidates...

With the beginning of the year, and this November being the presidential election, the media has been going nuts with all the political candidates! Yes, I’m already sick of them. I also know that it’s only going to get worse. As voters, we’re really going to have to dig deep to find the truth.

The thing that upsets me the most is the fact that people follow the media blindly. No one wants to do research on their own. They let others make up their mind! There are many that will stick to party lines, just going with what the party picks instead of voting for someone who is for their true beliefs. This happens on all sides. Hmmm... how smart is that?

I understand that some my come back with the response, “but they’re all politicians....” And I'll agree, to some extent. Yes, we are all humans. We fail. They fail. There is no 'perfect candidate'. But that’s no excuse to just vote under a party banner! I wonder what would happen if we allowed others to dictate our other decisions we make? Would you let that happen? Voting for president is a pretty big deal. Makes me wonder...


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