Monday, January 2, 2012

Week Rundown (12/25/2011-12/31/2011)


Ahhh.... Christmas day! We got the kids up and read the Christmas story out of Luke 2. Then we let them rush into the living room to see their gifts. They were welcomed with a huge hippo and monkey. Gifts were then spread around.

The kids played for a bit, but then we got showers and dressed for morning church services.

Afternoon at Paulette's with Lydia's siblings. We watched 'Cars 2' and 'Tangled' while playing on our iPhones and visiting. We then went with the family to watch the Christmas cantata. Unfortunately, the kids were so tired, they slept through most of the services! After the services, we visited and got some more family photos, then we headed home.

There was still some deserts from Friday that were asking to be eaten, so we snacked for a bit and headed to bed.


A nice day at home for all of us. We slept in, letting the kids play and watch some tv. I then got to go check on our van, and thanks to our friend Ben Winter, we found the problem was a bad battery!!! Hooray!

We stayed home all day! Grandpa Keim stopped by, giving the kids their Christmas gifts from him. They got scooters! They zoomed up and down the hall all afternoon. We played several rounds of Mario Kart Wii before the kids and I took naps, I was tired!

We had a lazy evening. I ran to the store to grab the essentials for the rest of the week.


Lydia got up and headed into work. I had both kids with me for the entire day. They did art, played around the house, and watched some tv.

After lunch, we took naps! Oh, it felt so nice to get a rest. I then took them outside to play on their scooters in the driveway. The weather was nice, both did well learning to ride.

This evening, we had Silas and Kristi over for supper and for visit. It was fun getting to catch up on their lives and being able to visit.


Today, Lydia left for work, again leaving me at home with the kids. I can't complain, both behaved fairly well throughout the day. Just like yesterday, we played, watched tv, took naps, and spent some time outside.

Lydia worked a little late, so we made it to evening services right on time. The kids sat with us. By the time we got home, it was bedtime, and we all hit the sack!


Today was pretty much the same as the last few. Lydia worked and the kids and I stayed home. I worked on several projects, including trying to revamp my website for the New Year. Well, it was getting me a bit frustrated. I took the kids outside after naps and let them play on their scooters, giving me some time to relax a bit.

For the evening, we enjoyed a great supper, and watched some tv episodes together..


Today was the last day for the kids to spend at home with just me. We followed the same schedule as the previous days. However, since the weather was so nice, I took down the outside Christmas lights while the kids played. We spent more time outside due to the warm weather, and they played with the putt-putt set and their bats and balls.

After Lydia came home, we ate a quick supper and headed to church. We attended the 50 wedding anniversary celebration of one of the couples in our church. They had a great reception set up. When we returned home, the kids went to bed, and Lydia and I enjoyed some tv.


Wow... the last day of the year! Lydia and I tried to sleep in. We worked on getting some things done around the house. Lydia did the laundry while I went shopping for groceries.

The weather was in the upper 60's, so we actually had the windows open, enjoying the fresh air. It was odd to have so warm of temperatures at the end of December!

We had our friends, the Copelands, over for supper and to bring in the New Year. We talked, visited, played a few games, and watched "America's Family Videos" on NetFlix. We stepped outside as the countdown for midnight approached, hoping to see some fireworks from downtown. Instead, we were greeted by gusts of cold wind. The wind was so strong that the city wouldn't shoot fireworks. So it was a bit disappointing. But the New Year still came!

We said our goodbyes, and went to bed!


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