Monday, January 23, 2012

Week Rundown (01/15/12-01/21/12


I woke up before everyone and made it to church for the van route. Lydia and the kids made it to church for Sunday School. We took naps during the afternoon, and then attended evening services.


Lydia got up early and took Malachi to daycare before heading to work. I dropped Mysia of with Granny since it was a holiday. She got to ride her scooter and go get ice cream. After work, I picked up and met Malachi and Lydia at home.


Lydia started her first classes at MSU. She found out that things are little bit different then OTC.

This evening Lydia attended a ladies meeting at church while I stayed home with the kids. They were in bed by the time she got home.


After work/school/daycare we met at home and ate a quick supper before heading to church. Tonight was business meeting, so the kids went to the children's class.


Daycare called me before lunch to let me know that Malachi had vomited twice. They said a a bug had been going around, and it looked like he got it. As I arrived, he was on his third round, and I found him at the trash can. I took him home, and the rest of the day was spent running back and forth from the restroom. I was able to work on my work projects from home.

After work, Lydia attended Mysia's school presentation. Mysia did well, singing along with the rest of the school kids. Lydia was able to get on video with her phone so that I could view it as well.


Malachi had slept all night long with problems, and woke up full of energy. Since I he had to be 24 hours symptom free before going to daycare, Uncle Sam volunteered to watch him for most of the day. They played hide and seek, watched movies, and snacked!

I picked up both kids after work and met Lydia at home. We ate and enjoyed the evening together.


Mysia woke up complaining that her stomach didn't feel so well. Uh-oh. I got up and hurried in to work to finish an exciting project that we hope to have available at our Cabin Fever Concert on February 3rd. Lydia texted me and reported that Mysia vomited. She did indeed have the virus that Malachi had.

I came home later in the afternoon. We ate a late lunch, and Malachi and I went grocery shopping. He was excited at first, but was ready to leave by the end of the list. Mysia was feeling a little better by the end of the day, but we were still cautious. Lydia gave us guys haircuts before bed!


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