Monday, October 19, 2009

Malachi: Growing Up Fast

The picture was taken last Thursday night. Malachi wanted to sleep with all of his stuffed animals. Abigail was babysitting and let him sleep like that. That's how I found him when we got home. I took the picture and then moved the toys off the bed so he could sleep comfortably!

Sometimes, he can be a handful... but he's such a little man. He has no problem telling you what is on his mind. And his facial expressions are priceless!

Another feat we're proud of, is the fact that he is anxious to be potty-trained. We have not pushed him, he has been wanting to do this on his own! He's now wearing big-boy underwear and has been dry the past several days! The only time Malachi wets is during naps and when asleep at night, but for those occasions, he wears pull-ups! He's doing very well. Even at daycare and church! We're so proud of him!

On Saturday, I took him and Mysia with me to Wal-mart for grocery shopping (Lydia went out of town with some of the ladies from church). He did so good. He was excited to use the toilet at Wal-mart. Oh, and I'm thankful that Wal-Mart has a family restroom! It makes it so much easier!


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