Thursday, October 29, 2009


As some of you know, I love local history. I visit sites that deal with current events around the city, since some may deal with the history as well. Sure enough, that one of the sites I visit frequently started trivia contests on the history of Springfield.

Well, On October 20th, they had a blog post that sparked my interest! It was a local contest to win free tickets for several places here in town. It dealt with a trivia question on local history, one I knew quite well! So I emailed my answer.

Last night I got an email announcing that I was the winner! Sure enough, they posted it on the blog this morning!!!

I won free admission for two to Dickerson Park Zoo, Discovery Center, Wild Animal Safari, Fantastic Caverns, and Missouri Sports Hall of Fame!

Now, here's my question... are the tickets one place, or all of them? I guess I'll find out when I get them in the mail!


Pun of the Post: "Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your kids.."

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