Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Internet Churches?

I read an article about Online Churches. These aren't churches that just have a website for members to meet up during the week, but churches that are strictly online only. That means this is not a local church you can physically congregate with, but one that meets online.

A new thing, some of them go so far as to have a button on there site to accept Christ as their Savior and become a believer! Not only that, but even baptismals are done on your own.....

Although, I admit it's a neat concept, especially for those in countries where it's illegal to meet for church. Or those in remote places. I can even see it helping missionaries who long for those home services. But, I don't think just meeting online is going to really cut it.

You can call me a stick in the mud I guess. But just interacting socially online with other folks, while at a computer, is not the best way to grow as a Christian. I feel that one needs to be physically present with other believers. A true "local" body of believers.

I don't have any real answer on whether this would be wrong or right. For example, foreign missionaries are members of their sending church, and they don't get to physically attend for several years at a time while they're on the field.  With that in mind, technically, even us laymen are missionaries to our own local area. Remember, the 'great commission' applies to all believers! So would it be wrong and un-scriptural to be a member of an online assembly of fellow believer?

Anyway, I see this bit of news as a good discussion piece amongst fellow Christians.


Pun of the Post: "Some drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle."

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