Thursday, April 22, 2010

Odd Facts: Automatic Flush Valve for Toilets (Thursday, 04/22/10)

I love odd facts, and will do research on things that just pop into my mind. For those who know me, that's not to unusual, but I guess you could say that is a odd fact in itself! lol

Well, today we lost electricity at work. During the storm, lighting had taken out a transformer, which left us powerless. And on "Earth Day" too! It's kinda hard to do your work on a computer that doesn't turn on! So while my coworkers and I sat around waiting for city utilities to come and fix it, we talked about a wide range of things.

One of the subjects that came up was automatic flush valve on the toilets, since someone pointed out that how they still work with us being out of power. Of course, they work on batteries. But that thought got me thinking... what kind of batteries do they use, and how long do they last?

Curiosity got a hold of me, and I pulled out my iPhone. I had to google it! It wasn't going to kill me, but I just needed to know!

I came across several sites, and found one that had a similar (if not exact) model of what is installed here at work. Come to find out, they use
4 "C" size batteries and can last up to 3+ years on a single charge with normal usage! Hey... not bad for $139.99!

Now I don't know if this "knowledge" will ever be useful, but at least my curiosity was satisfied!

I don't know if I'd ever want or need one in my house. Although it sure would take care of the problem of remembering to flush! That now leads to another question that sparks my curiosity, was it a male or female that came up with the idea? I guess the research continues.......


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