Monday, April 12, 2010

Week Rundown! (04/04/10 - 04/10/10)


Happy Easter!

It was an early morning for us! We got up and rushed to church for the 8am services. Lydia had nursery, and I still had vans, so I left during the invitation. While I was doing the van route, the church had a 'continental breakfast' before Sunday school services.

In the morning service, our choir presented the cantata "Then Came Sunday". it was well received, but very emotional. I'm sure everyone in the choir didn't have a dry eye during the middle section! It was great!

That afternoon we went over to my parents' house for Easter dinner. Actually, since I had the van route, by the time I got there, everyone else had already started eating! We ate and visited. BJ and his family were there. Grandma Taylor was there. So it was a pretty good crowd around the dinner table!

BJ and I got early birthday gifts from the family (I mentioned mine in an early blog post). BJ needed to get back on the road to head back home, so they left shortly thereafter. M&M were getting tired, so we put them in Abigail's bed for a nap. Lydia pulled out her laptop and worked on her homework, while the rest of us visited.

As time was soon drawing near to get ready for evening services, we went outside and had the kids hunt the colored eggs. Grand-dad (my dad) had put coins in the eggs, so that got the kids excited! In the end, the both found the same amount of eggs! Hooray!

We hurried off to church services, where Lydia and I were in charge of toddlers. We kept them entertained with Bible songs, some activities, and a lesson. I brought my vent-puppet Ace, and that really got their attention.

After we arrived back at home for the night, we put the kids to bed and finished up making the grocery list. I then went shopping. I spent some of my birthday money on a few shirts like instructed, and also purchased a usb car charger, so I can charge up my iPod and iPhone in the church van on Sundays. I came home, unloaded the groceries, and went to bed!


Lydia and the kids picked me up from work (I'm still working some overtime). I ate supper in the car, Ham and eggs from Easter lunch, as we headed home real quick. I dropped Lydia and Malachi at the house.

Mysia and I then went to her kindergarten screening. She did very well. She talked the teacher's ear off once she got comfortable. In fact, there was a part of the screening that was interesting... when asked a few questions, Mysia was expected to go into detail, describing how she would take care of the situation presented to her. Well, one of the situations was what would she do if she broke something (like a toy) at a friends house. Well, Mysia did as asked and went into detail. However, she proceeded to tell the teacher how shed hide whatever she broke, and how she'd try and keep the friend from finding out, etc! Oh boy.....!

After the screening, I left Mysia at my parent's house while I went with Sam to church. Our quartet was auditioning a high tenor. We sang for about two hours, running over familiar material and hymns. It was a good audition, and we actually have neat song ideas as well. We have another audition planned later on, and Abigail is still our "high tenor" for now. If it is the Lord's will, we may keep her, but we'll see how these auditions go.

While auditioning, Mysia lost her loose tooth at Granny's! When my mom called me, I could hear Mysia crying in the background... she's such a drama queen! My dad ended up giving her $3 as a reward for loosing her tooth!

During the time we were gone, Malachi played and Lydia did her homework. When Mysia and I got back home, it was past her bedtime, and Malachi was already in bed asleep. We put her tooth in a sandwich bag under her pillow.


Mysia woke up to find coins in the sandwich bag. Unfortunately, all she could remember was that there were 5 pennies in there, so she went around telling everyone at daycare that she got 5 pennies from the tooth-fairy! Sure made her "tooth-fairy" look cheap!!!!

Malachi surprised me today... he got up and dressed himself with the clothes Lydia left out for him! He's growing up so fast!

Mysia, now likes to pick out her own clothes, and does a pretty good job. There are a few times that we have to guide her to find something that matches better, but nothing too major.

After we got back home that evening, we ate and then Lydia left to give plasma. While she was gone, I gave the kids their showers and got them ready for bed. When Lydia got back, she headed into her homework.

I spent some of my itunes gift-card money and purchased RDM+ for my iPhone and computer. It allows me to remotely access my laptop with my phone. I can view the screen from my phone, anywhere! It's neat, because I'm now able to access my files at anytime! When connected to wifi, the process is pretty fast, but I've found out that over the 3G network, it can be a little slow. But that's fine with me! I spent most of the evening fiddling around with the program!


Lydia stopped and got some food, picked me up from work at 6, and headed to church. It was "fun night" at Master Clubs, and I got to teach the lesson. I decided to use both of my Vent-puppets, Ace & Hannah, even though I had told myself previously I'd never do again. Not that I won't do them individually, but together is a pain. Both have "unique" personalities, and getting them straight while teaching a lesson to the kids can be difficult. I try and keep them animated, and the conversation flowing, but boy... it's challenging with one on each arm! Not only that, but I like to let their personalities go at full speed, and I almost never know what they're going to say, even though I'm controlling them. It always leads up to funny things, but having two at the same time... well, you see what I mean....

The lesson went well, regardless how I my mistakes. We kept the kids active, even taking them outside for a short game.

By the time we got home, we were tired! Oh wait... that's every night! lol!


After work, Lydia and the kids picked me up wand went to the visitation of Esther Elliot. Lydia and I ware planning on going to the funeral tomorrow, but aren't taking the kids. We decided the visitation would be the best for the kids to attend.

When we got home, we ate supper, got the kids ready for bed. We then worked on finances and I also worked on a design for our church youth's prom alternative. I'm planning on showing the steps of the design process on the blog next week.


A busy day... even though I took the day off from work!

Today was my birthday, and it was going to be a memorable one.....

We slept in a bit... but we still got up in time to get the kids up and ready. I ran and dropped the kids off at daycare while Lydia got ready. We went to the funeral of Esther Elliot. It was a very nice service, the gospel was well presented, and there were quite a bit in attendance.

After the funeral, we stopped by a bookstore that was going out of business. Lydia found several books and got them at a good price. I only found one book that interested me... a comic book of Peanuts (Charlie Brown & gang)!

We were headed toward home, discussing lunch, on whether Lydia was going to treat me to a buffet or just eat something at home, when we were rear-ended while stopping for a light. Lydia was driving and the impact caused us both to jolt forward. We have a giant rear-view mirror that I had installed when we first got the car, and I got to witness it happen, so it wasn't like I didn't brace for it.

We pulled the cars into a nearby parking lot and I used my phone to call the police. I figured I'd just call the police department, since it wasn't an "emergency". I ended up getting put on hold, and the message kept saying, "if you have an emergency or need an officer dispatched to your area, hang up and call 911"... so I did. It rang 5 times before dispatch answered! Kinda surprised me! I thought 911 would surely answer by the 2nd ring!

We waited at least 15 minutes for an officer, and used that time to share insurance information, took pictures, etc. We found out about the lady who hit us, and found out she is looking for a Baptist church! So we seized the opportunity, and invited her to ours! When the officer arrived, we then had to give the information again. I got wished happy birthday when the officer asked my date of birth since our insurance was in my name, and I was present.

We were finally given the go ahead to leave, and we did... with a hole in our bumper.

The whole ordeal left us a hour behind our schedule we were trying to have for the day. And we were hungry. So Lydia took me to my favorite place to eat! Hong Kong Gardens/Mongolian BBQ.... yum! Lydia is so sweet to me!

We got home, Lydia did some homework for a bit before we picked up the kids. Lydia and I got ready for the concert and waited for Me-Maw and Uncle Moses to come to our house and watch the kids. We wanted someone to watch the kids for this concert, since it was my birthday, and I wanted to be able to get to enjoy the entire set of Gold City without interruptions! I know, that may sound a little spoiled, but hey... it's my birthday!!

We got to the concert 20 minutes before it started, and didn't get in the building for less than 30 seconds before I was stopped and got th chat with familiar faces! Before we headed to the seats that our friends saved for us, I headed toward the Gold City table. I just had to report in! lol!

I got to visit with Kyle Strickland, the sound-man and son-in-law to my hero Tim Riley (the bass for Gold City)! Kyle and I keep in contact through facebook and email. I'm a huge fan of Gold City's, so it's nice to keep in contact with someone from the group!

The concert went very well, and I enjoyed every moment of it! The Hoppers did very well, and of course, I was glued to my spot for Gold City's set! The neatest moment of the night, and the highlight of the entire day, was when Daniel Riley wished me a happy birthday from the stage at the end of the concert! What a great birthday!!

I took video of much of the concert, and plan on posting some clips up on youtube sometime next week. I'll try and remember to post about it here on the blog!


I slept in until 7am, got up, and headed into work around 8ish. I had some overtime I needed to make up. Lydia and the kids slept in for a bit, and then got around. The kids watched videos and played while Lydia again worked on homework. When I got home before noon, I ended up rough-housing with them on the floor until lunch. We ate, and then got to talk to Titus over the laptop for a short bit. His internet connection in Iraq wasn't the greatest, so we spent more time trying to connect then getting to chat. But at least M&M got to to say hi to their Uncle!

We then put the kids down for naps, and got ready to work on cleaning out the garage. Ugh! This was something we needed to do a year ago, but had kept putting it off.

It was a mess. But we started at a steady pace. We opened up the garage door and started moving things into piles. The piles were "labeled": future yard sale, baby clothes/stuff, kids toys, outdoor items, my electronics, and stuff to keep. Each pile got bigger as the hours went by and the garage became able to walk through once again! The kids woke up and played in the yards.

We had a bit of drama during the clean-out... Mysia was/is afraid of bumblebees. They could be on the other side of the lawn, and she'd scream like she was she was being seriously hurt! Boy, can she scream! It looks like thi is something that we're going to have to deal with this summer. Oh joy...

There was so much stuff to go through for the garage, that by the time we got everything put back in nice and organized, the sun was starting to set. We finished, and came in to eat supper. I had hoped to mow the lawn today, but that wasn't going to happen. By the time we finished, it was getting to dark. So we gave the kids showers and got their PJs on. We then left to pick up the church van. However, on the way out to the car, Malachi threw up... so we had to clean him up before leaving. Poor guy was getting sick and we didn't realize it!

When we got back, we put the kids to bed and started on the grocery list. I did the grocery run while Lydia worked on homework! After I got back, I unloaded the groceries and got the video from the concert transferred onto my laptop!
grocery shopping


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