Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week Rundown! (04/18/10 - 04/24/10)


It was a busy day as usual. We had birthday and anniversary fellowship following the evening service. Yum!


We dropped of the kids and headed to the gym. Afterwards, took me to work and dropped the car off at the shop. She was excited... she picked up the nice rental vehicle! She loves it!

Granny(my mom) picked up kids from daycare so she could take them to her house and spend some time with them. Lydia picked me up from work and we when home to eat.

I then headed over to quartet practice, and seen the kids as they were leaving to be dropped of at home. After singing, I headed home. I didn't stay up too late, but Lydia didn't go to bed at all!


I woke up to find Lydia still doing her homework. She had spent the entire night working! Poor girl!

We did our routine. Daycare for the kids, work for me, college for Lydia.

When we got home that evening, I grilled hamburgers and mowed a couple of strips in the backyard. I was hoping to finish mowing the yard, but Lydia had to leave do give plasma. By the time she got home, the kids were in bed and it was too dark to mow.


Mysia had her Daisy Scout meeting, and we went to church!

On the way home, Malachi hollered, "cold Daddy... Cold!" So we turned off the vents. But that wasn't the problem. He was drinking from his styrofoam cup (we had Sonic for supper) and accidentally poked a hole in the bottom with his straw. It was still ice cold. It had started leaking on his lap. So we pulled over and dumped the rest. The poor guy had to ride home soaked. It sure was funny watching him walk to the door when we got home. He can do a pretty funny bowlegged walk!!!


Rain and storms! That was the theme for the day. It poured from the sky in bucket loads! Shortly after I arrived at work, the electricity out! What fun! We sat around for almost two hours waiting for it to get fixed.

After picking me up from work, we rushed home and ate. My mom picked Malachi and I up to go to the Tae Kwon Do open house. Sam, Moses, and Abigail were demonstrating... it was neat! We tried to get Malachi to participate, but he just wanted to run around!

Lydia had been invited to a ladies jewelery party, so she took Mysia with her. Mysia got to play with the other girls there.

I had already showered Malachi and put him to bed before the girls arrived back at home.


The work day was long.... that usually is the case on Fridays.

Before picking me up from work, Lydia dropped M&M off with their Aunt Lycia. They got to spend the night with her! And that gave Lydia and I the night free.

We headed to Walmart, grabbed sandwich fixings and snacks, and headed to MSU. They were holding a Relay For Life event, and Lydia's group had a booth. The original plan was for the even to last all night until early in the morning. But since it rained, and there was more in the forecast, the event was held indoors and scheduled to end at midnight. So Lydia and I were able to go home and go to bed earlier than planned. However, technically, we went to bed on Saturday morning!


Yup, we got to sleep around 2am... I think. I can't remember! lol

I do know we woke up after noon! Ahhh, it was so nice to sleep in! It was raining heavily as we left the house to go pick up the kids. We stopped by a jewelry store to get Lydia's engagement ring repaired and re-sized. We won't get it back until Wednesday.

Malachi was happy to see us... Mysia was upset that she had to leave. She wanted to stay.

We then headed over to my parents' house. My grandparents were in town for a visit, and we wanted to be sure to spend time with them for a bit. Which we did! We ended up saying over there until 9! We talked, ate, and talked some more. The kids played.

I'll have to share this with everyone.. I'm not the only geek in my family, that is a fact! lol Everyone in the family is a 'tech geek'. We all had our ipods and laptops out while we're in conversation. That's just how we are. And get this... we're even emailing each other while we're in the same room! Crazy eh? That's family.....! lol!

We picked up the church van, got home, and put the kids to bed. Lydia had some homework she was trying to finish, and I had a couple of projects to work on.

We got to bed late... again!


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