Friday, March 12, 2010

Forget the Toothpaste....

You may have heard the phrase, "..Have toothbrush, will travel."

It's a phrase often used when meaning that a person is willing to go somewhere, not needing anything else. Well, I'm almost certain some people take it seriously! Since going to the gym, I've noticed that most men shave and brush their teeth after their showers... which is great! Especially the shower part. But the thing that gets me is that they forget one major thing... deodorant!

What's the deal with that!? There is now way I'm gonna be worried about someones breath if their BO keeps me from even coming near them! Yuck!

I don't care if they think their natural sweat doesn't stink! Let's be sure, and get some good-smelling antiperspirant on there!

I guess, perhaps, that I'm a bit self-conscious about it myself. Come on... I don't want to smell like a sweat factory! I like to think that people don't consider me as a person who stinks. So when I go anywhere, like the gym, I come prepared! I want to be sure I at least smell decent.

Could you imagine going to Walmart and no one wearing any antiperspirant? Especially in the summer? Waiting in the checkout lines would be a killer. How about sitting in church during a sermon, or a missionary slide show? I don't care who you call your brothers or sisters... it wouldn't be very enjoyable. I'll promise you one thing, no one would be sleeping during the services! (Unless their knocked out by the smell!) Oh, how about we imagine sitting at a concert, packed in with people! Wow.... uh, I don't think so!

Whoever invented deodorant needs to be memorialized. He has/had done a great thing, a great deed, for the greater good of mankind! Now that's what Nobel Peace Prizes are for!

So next time you wanna go on a quick trip, and you're quick to say you're ready, go ahead and get excited, but do me a favor and change the phrase.. please...!

"...have deodorant, will travel!"


PS  Hey now... are you "Sure"? lol

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