Friday, March 19, 2010

Mysia: Loose Teeth & Registered for Kindergarten!

Boy.. time flies! While visiting the dentist last week, we found out that Mysia has three loose teeth. Now it may take a while for them to wiggle free enough for her to loose them, but it's neat to know that she is getting old enough to loose several! Oh the joy!

However, with Mysia, everything is drama. So were expecting a big meltdown when she looses her first tooth. I'm sure she won't like the fact that her gum will bleed, and that it may hurt a bit when it finally gets loose enough to come out. I'm sure we'll have to console her somehow. It will definitely be interesting!

Oh, Mysia is now registered for kindergarten! Ugh! It's kinda hard to imagine that our little girl is going to be starting school. I'm glad she's growing up, but sad at the same time. To think that in several years, she'll be bring home homework! Almost makes me wish she could stay at the age where she is. I never liked homework myself, and I kinda wish I could protect her from it! ha! But then again, she's smart, and hopefully she'll excel in her studies! We shall see!


1 comment:

Adam Edwards said...

....several years until homework??? My girl is in Kindergarten this year and has homework every night!

It's hard to see them grow up, but it's also fun to see who they are growing into.