Monday, March 8, 2010

Week Rundown! (03/01/10 - 03/06/10)


It was our family night. After they picked me up from work, we headed to McDonald's for supper. The kids got happy meals while Lydia and I got sandwiches from the $1 menu. After getting the kids to eat all their food, we headed to the Palace Theater to watch "The Squeekqual". It was a pretty good movie. Entertaining, and a fun film. This isn't a movie you would think highly of, but it's definitely better than other movies aimed at kids & parents.

The biggest disappointment was finding out that if we had went on Tuesday evening, the ticket prices would have been $1 each, instead of $3!


Sloppy Joe's! Yum! That's what we had for supper. Boy, they were good! lol! After supper, I got Malachi his shower and ready for bed. I left for quartet practice as Mysia was getting ready for bed.

Quartet practice has been moved to Tuesdays to better fit around Greg and Sam's schedules. We practiced and practiced. And we've added "Send The Light" to our line-up. We started singing it, and got a good arrangement going. We're so excited! The song is done A Capella, so I can't wait until we stage it.

Oh and speaking of our quartet singing.... Hillside Baptist (our church) is having us sing during their Spring Alive services on the 21st of this month! How exciting! We also have been booked for two Saturdays in June! I'll have more on that later!


Mysia has now joined Daisy Scouts! Yup... her first meeting was today. This group is a mixture of public and home-schooled girls. It'll be nice for her to have more friends, and a 'club' to be a part of. So from now on, Wednesdays are going to be a little busier! Especially for Lydia! :P

Tonight was also "fun night" for Master Clubs at church. That means, instead of our normal schedule of how it goes. We played more games, had devotions by two of the kids, and had some snacks.

Back at home, it was Lydia on homework and I getting a few things done around the house.


It was almost going to be a relaxing evening for me. I had planned to put the kids to bed at a decent time and enjoy the evening. But that didn't happen. After supper, Lydia rushed off to go give plasma. Paulette and Moses came over because there was some issues she was trying to figure out online. Lydia came back early because even though they got her in the vein, they forgot to plug it up to the machine! At least she got paid! We ended up getting to bed later than I had planned.


I was told we were back on overtime, so I stayed a little later at work. After Lydia picked me up, we went to Walmart to pick up some desert and kill some time before heading over to our friends' house for "game night". While shopping, we went ahead an purchased a new dvd/surround sound system, since ours went out over 6 months ago. We've been using our portable dvd player to watch movies... which is a pain.

At Doug & Mary's, the kids got to play the airplane "dogfight" on their Nintendo Wii. Of course, they loved it. We talked and they made hamburgers... it was good! Instead of playing games, we ended up watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", and the kids drew pictures and climbed all over us! We also had root beer floats. Toward the end, Mysia and Malachi were tired, but didn't want to leave!


We had church visitation blitz. It was schedules so that we could go out and visit those who have been visiting our church and those who ride the vans. 40 people showed up,  so we were able to make some great visits. Sam went with Lydia and I to visit those on my van route. Out of the 6 stops, only one wasn't home. It was nice to stop and visit them at their homes.

After returning to the church to give a report on our visits, we left for the eye doctor's. The kids had broke my glasses last fall, and finances didn't really allow me to purchase some more. So I've been using an old pair from when I was a teen. They really didn't do much good, but at least they helped me see a little clearer on those time when I had to get up during the night for whatever reason. I got my eyes examined, got new contacts, and have two glasses on order. The kids took a short nap in the car during that time.

We then headed over to visit Lydia's grandma. We had a good visit, and the kids got a chance to enjoy the nice weather by playing outside. We stopped and got the church van on the way home. We had pizza and watched "Chicken Run" before putting M&M to bed. I then went and did the weeks grocery shopping!

What a week!


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