Monday, March 29, 2010

Week Rundown! (03/21/10 - 03/27/10)


We woke up to snow/ice... and I was told that I wouldn't have to drive the church van! However, today was "Spring Alive!" at church. Our quartet, Steppin' Out, was the guest singers this year! We sang three songs in the morning service, and six in the afternoon service. There were a few mistakes, but for the most part didn't do too bad. No one got up and left while we were singing.

It does make it more difficult to sing in front of a whole crown of people you know. I think we were a whole lot more nervous than any other time we sang in front of people. I think it's because one is more afraid to make mistakes, and is more self-conscious while singing in front of those you see all the time. When singing in front of strangers, you don't have to worry about making a super long impression,because you don't see them every week! lol

Anyway.... after services we got back home and took naps. Lydia slept the longest. In fact, she slept for several hours... I got up when the kids did. M&M ate snacks and we colored. By the time Lydia woke up, I was getting ready to put the kids to bed! She was grateful for the sleep though!

However, both Lydia and I were still tired, so after the kids went down, so did we! Ahhhh... sleep!


Back to work. Ugh! Lydia had spring break all this week. So we slept in a bit each morning. No gym! Lydia dropped me and the kids off, she was happy to have a stress-free week, with no classes.

When Lydia picked me up from work, we headed straight home and gave the kids showers. Lydia pointed out that they had been getting to bed too late last week, and waking up grumpy. So perhaps this would help. Well, they got showers and then we ate.


I worked late, and Lydia had supper almost ready when we got home. We ate and then had the kids get ready for bed. Lydia and I didn't stay up too long. But we did get some housework done!


It was a rushed day for me, once again. Lydia had her friend Courtney over for lunch.

Children's church services was busy, and I taught the lesson with my ventriloquist puppet, Ace. The snacks served were fruit roll-ups! I haven't had one of those for several years! Man, they were good! Turned my tongue blue though!


Lydia had an interview today at 10am. She was excited but nervous. It was for an internship doing accounting. It looks very promising, and the interview went very well.

After picking me up from work, we headed to church for directory pictures. Lydia was the only one dressed, so when we got there, Malachi headed to the restroom to change clothes. I promised him that he could play a game on my iPhone while I got dressed if he'd hurry up first. Boy, that kid was anxious to change!

The picture turned out very well, and the kids were pretty well behaved during the photo shoot. Viewing the pictures was a little more hectic, but hey, they were ready to go home!


We woke up and packed our bags for a trip! First stop... breakfast at iHop! We met up with a dear friends of mine, Nathan. He and I graduate highschool together, 10 years ago come May! He was homeschooled as well, and we worked together at the fairgrounds when we were teenagers. It had been a few years since we met up, although we still keep in contact through email and facebook. It was great seeing and visiting him!

After breakfast, we headed over to the bank and set up savings accounts for both Mysia and Malachi. We wanted to get them started on savings.

It was then time for our road-trip! To Columbia, Missouri! A three hour trip, not counting stops. Right before we hit Jeff City (2 hours into the drive), Malachi got car-sick. Yuck! He threw up at lest four times. It wasn't much fun, and it made the last part of our trip seen to take forever. But we eventually made it to the home of my brother Benjamin and his family.

We visited, let the kids watch a video and play. We ended up staying up late playing "Phase 10".


Like on most Saturdays, I was hoping to sleep in. However, M&M decided that 7:30am was long enough...

I tried keeping them quiet, letting them play with toys, but that didn't last long. I even let them watch a movie on the portable DVD player we had brought. Nope... So, we got up. We ate breakfast and sat around most of the morning visiting. We got into a fight too... a pillow fight! We played Nintendo. The kids napped for a bit, and Lydia did some homework that she wanted to catch up on.

We ate a late lunch before hitting the road to head back to Springfield. Thanks to motion sickness medication, we had no problems with sick kids! We stopped by McDonald's on the last part of our trip to let the kids play for a while.

By the time we got home, the kids were both tired! It was a good trip!


PS   The picture above was taken at a "Route 66" rest stop along I-44 on the way home!

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