Monday, March 15, 2010

Week Rundown! (03/07/10 - 03/13/10)


I did vans and almost had a full van! Services were great all day, and nothing out of the ordinary happened, besides it being such a nice, warm, sunny day!


I've been put on overtime at work. So today I worked extra. It throws our schedule off a bit, but there is nothing we can do about it. Lydia picked up the kids around normal time and went home to prepare dinner. After she picked me up around 6, and we arrived back at home, we ate and got the kids ready for bed. Lydia worked on homework and I did the finances on the computer.


I worked overtime again, so when we got home, I put on "Toy Story 2" for the kids while Lydia prepared supper. I did some cleanup around the house, trying to stay out of Lydia's way. She ate real quick and then left to give plasma. The kids and I finished the movie and then got them ready for bed. Lydia came home before Mysia went down to sleep. We watched some tv episodes on DVD, and then went to bed.


Dropped Malachi off at daycare and took Mysia with us to gym. She watched a movie on my iPod while we did our exercise routine. After showers, we headed to the dentist. Mysia has two loose teeth!

We dropped Mysia off at daycare, and then Lydia dropped me off at work before she headed off to class. Daisy Scouts were canceled, so Lydia took Mysia to the Library. After that, they stopped by one of the schools to see when registration was. Come to find out, it's next Wednesday! Eek!

After picking up Malachi, they picked me up from work and we headed straight to church. We were under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning, so the clouds were pretty impressive to look at while going down the highway. No tornado hit, but there was a chance!


The weather was a bit cooler, and I was tired! The day seemed to drag a bit. Lydia had went home and worked on homework before picking the kids up and then me from work. She was not happy with how her paper was going. Back at home, we waited for dinner to finish while Lydia got ready to head to give plasma. I had Mysia pick up her room while helping Malachi on his. After Lydia left, dinner was finally ready. I fed the kids, we watched a short movie, and then got them ready for bed.

I updated my profile on facebook and did some other things on there as well. When Lydia arrived back at home, she ate and read some more of her homework. We actually got to bed before 11pm!


My glasses came in! So after Lydia picked me up from work, we headed over to pick them up. It was so nice to let my eyes rest a bit and still see! It had been over 6 months since the kids broke my good pair!


Another busy day! Lydia and I tried to catch up on some sleep, but that didn't happen. Mysia and Malachi were up with no problem. They don't like waking up during the week, but on Saturday, that's a different story.

Lydia had a meeting to get the Burden Bears done for the Relay of Life. Her class is making them, and taking the donations for the organization.

Note: If you'd like to buy a bear, or donate money, you can contact Lydia through facebook (or comment below, and she contact you).

While Lydia was gone, I let Mysia play her education game on the computer while Malachi and I played for a bit. After that, it was naps! Unfortunately, Mysia didn't really take one. I worked on some housework and graphics on the computer. About the time Lydia was heading back home, I started feeding them lunch.

We ate, got dressed and headed to the church for the wedding of our friends Tim & Fawn. It was a beautiful, but simple wedding. As you can see by the picture for this blog post, M&M were very interested in the decorations at the center of the tables during the reception.

Back at home, Lydia tried to focus on homework and we let Malachi play on the computer. Mysia worked on drawing a bookmark for the library. After eating supper and the getting the kids bathed and put to bed, I did grocery shopping.


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