Thursday, September 23, 2010

HateBook...???? (Thursday, 09/23/10)

Of course, I'm hoping the title of this post caught your attention. "HateBook" And no, I did not make it up. I've heard this title before. In all the good that Facebook has, it has drawn people who like to use it for spreading hate. Sometimes they realize it and don't care, and sometimes they just don't think before posting, etc.

Facebook, being on the internet, brings out the good and bad of everyone. Besides making friends and getting along nicely, it can attract those who like to complain and cause trouble. Some on purpose, and some seeing it as a "safe" outlet for their anger. There are even those who say they don't care, posting things just to get responses, then get mad when others do the same thing! Therefore the name "hatebook". It all falls under "ATTITUDE".

This can easily get out of hand with status posts and comments. It often appears that people don't think things through before typing. Or, perhaps, that make a rash decision to post/comment on something, thinking that "it just needs to be said, and that's that!" Unfortunately, that does more harm then good.

I realize I can't change people. Sure, I may slip too. I try to have a positive attitude when posting, thus the attempted humor! Oh, I also understand that there are those that will do what they want, no matter what. All I can do is encourage those around me to think first, then post. Post with a good attitude!


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