Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mowing.. Reasons Not To! (Wednesday, 9/16/10)

Okay... many of you know that when it rains, my yard floods. It can take days before I can get to mowing my lawn after a good rain. It's a pond!

Right now, my yard is in need of a mowing. It's been several weeks. However, there is a lot of water in my yard due to the rain we've had over the past few days. Of course, last night, we got drenched again!

I have sworn not to mow a wet lawn. One, it's not much fun. Two, it's such a good excuse!

Well, I came across an article that gives me yet another good reason not to mow my yard after a good rain!



1 comment:

One and Onlys Blog said...

Oh my goodness! That's horrible!!