Monday, September 27, 2010

Week Rundown! (09/19/10 - 09/25/10)


I got up and headed to church to do drive the vans, like normal. Services were good, but I was a bit tired. To be honest, I felt like dozing, and probably did a bit! Ooops!

The afternoon was a bit more relaxing. But it was soon off to church for me to practice with Sam and then choir. After evening services, we participated in the Birthday & Anniversary Fellowship... and ate!


Well, we're once again tweaking our schedule! This morning, I woke up, packed my bag, and headed to the gym. Lydia stayed home and worked on homework. We're going to try for me to go to the gym in the mornings, and Lydia in the afternoons. Anyway, after my workout, I came home, Lydia headed off to college, and I dropped off the kids before work.

Lydia picked Mysia up from school and headed to the gym. They have an activity room for the kids, so Mysia got to enjoy that. After I got off work, I picked up Malachi, and we met Lydia and Mysia at Mysia's school. It was open house, and we got to find out how Mysia is doing in school, plus all the activities they do while in class. Malachi had a blast, and Mysia enjoyed showing us everything.

Lydia had a quick meeting at college, so she left real quick while I finished talking to the teacher and listening to Mysia explain some of the things around her classroom. Afterwards, we headed home and ate corndogs for supper. Lydia showed back up, and I got Malachi ready for bed before heading out to quartet practice.


Again, the new schedule has taken place. I went to gym, Lydia worked on homework. After I got back home, Lydia dropped Malachi off at daycare, and I took Mysia to school.

That evening, Lydia went to give plasma and then went to a Ladies' prayer meeting at church. I, of course, stayed home with the kids. After supper, I plugged them into several episodes of the Flintstones while I mowed the lawn before it got too dark. All of it is mowed except for half the backyard, so at least our front yard isn't the worst looking one on the block! The lawn had gotten so bad that the weeds were to my kneecaps!

After getting Malachi to bed, I helped Mysia with her homework. She got to bed right before Lydia came home.


Another busy day of course! Mysia had Daisy Scouts this afternoon, and Malachi and I beat Lydia and Mysia home when I got off work!

We ate real quick, and headed out to church. After church we came home and put Malachi to bed. I was tired, but I helped Mysia with her homework before putting her to bed. After that, I crashed on the couch. Lydia... well, she worked on homework!


Today was cleaning day! When we got home, we got dinner going and started getting the house in order. We let the kids use the little vacuum in their rooms, it works as an incentive to pick up!

After supper, I finished mowing the back lawn. Unfortunately, it got dark pretty quick, but I got it done. It was a little difficult toward the end, but to quote Mater off of Pixar's Cars, "Ain't no need to watch where I'm goin'; just need to know where I've been. "


After work and school, we all rushed home. We ate real quick and I put in the Flintstones for the kids. Tonight was our fist discipleship meeting!

Our church does a discipleship course. Lydia and I have been wanting to take it for over a year. So we were excited to get started. Our Associate Pastor, Tim, and his wife, Debbie, agreed to be our teachers for the course. They came over and went over what we were to do for the week. It includes verse memorization, a daily Bible study, and homework! (Poor Lydia)

After they left, we got the kids ready for bed. My parents, Granny and Grand-dad, stopped by for a bit. M&M were glad to see them! It was like they had found an extra boost of energy! We all went to bed shortly after they left.


I got up and went to work for several hours, making some overtime. When I came home, Lydia and the kids were about ready to leave, so we finished getting ready, and headed to Silver Dollar City! Lydia drove, I napped, and the kids watched two episodes of the Flintstones

After hitting the restrooms first at SDC, we headed to see one of the musicals called "Headin' West". On the way we picked up some kettle corn (Lydia's favorite). During the show, the kids accidentally dumped the entire tub of popcorn on the floor!

The show was fun to watch, and afterwards we rode "Fire In The Hole". Malachi loved it, Mysia... not so much! We then rode to the "Shoot Out", which is fun for us all. Just riding a boat, shooting at targets, and racking up points!

In the kid's section, M&M got to ride the Frogs and the Ladybugs. They were getting tired and grumpy- a clear sign that it was time to go. They fell asleep before we arrived!

Lydia dropped us off, and then headed to do grocery shopping. I fed the kids some supper and got them ready for bed. After groceries, Lydia worked on some homework and we went to bed.


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