Thursday, September 30, 2010

Phantom Rings (Thursday, 09/30/10)

Before we got our iPhones, I used to keep my Motorola SLVR on my belt. When it would go off, the thing would really vibrate. I often got what has been referred to as "phantom rings", a term used to describe when someone thinks they hear their cell ringing or feel it vibrating when it's actually not.

It would happen occasionally, and I'd reach over and grab my cell out of it's case... just to find out it wasn't going off. I'd even get this phantom rings when not wearing my cell! I'm guessing it was more in anticipation of getting a call? I don't know.

Well, we've have our iPhones now for about 7 months now. I have a case for mine, but it's not one that clips on my belt. In fact, when I carry it on me, it's actually in my pocket. I have a fear that if I had it on my belt, I'd have a greater chance of smashing it against something, therefore shattering the screen. It's too expensive of a phone to risk it.

I thought that this would cure those "phantom rings" from happening. But no... my right hip still gets that feeling! Go figure! It's more annoying than anything. Is it just an incurable twitch? Does anyone else have this problem and have an answer? It's almost like a curse for being so reliant on or addicted to a cell phone.........


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