Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seven Years! (9/2/10)

Amazingly, it's been seven years today since Lydia became my wife!

What's so amazing is that she was willing to put up with me and stay by me these past 7 years! I know of no other woman that would (or could) have! My puns and jokes, my quirky personality, my computer geeky-ness, etc....  see, it's amazing!

Not only that, but she has survived! Wow... what a woman!

I couldn't have asked for anyone better... there is none! She is the one God gave me! It's very evident! I depend on her, and she completes me. I can't image these last 7 years without her, and there's no way I can image my future without her too.

Lydia is the best! She is wonderful!

I LOVE YOU LYDIA!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!


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