Monday, September 13, 2010

Week Rundown! (09/05/10 - 09/11/10)


With the mini-van out due to a leaking water pump, our associate Pastor, Tim, picked me up early so that I could get to church to drive the church van. Lydia and the kids took the car to church.

Earl Koon, missionary to Australia for 40 years, preached in the morning service. I remember hearing him in Sunday School when I was in 2nd grade! He brought a great sermon, and he was a joy to listen to. After services, Ralph offered for me to come to his house tomorrow to put in a new water pump. Boy, that was a relief! We had been worried on how the week was going to work out, with our tight schedule, trying to find a place that would do it and work with our warranty.

There was no choir practice, so we had an extended afternoon, in which we all took naps. For the evening service, Lydia and I had the toddlers. Mysia sang a special with Sam.


I had originally planned for today to be a lazy day. Just hang around the house and do nothing. Well, that wasn't the case.

The kids got up and an early hour, something they wouldn't do normally. I turned cartoons on, and then headed out the door. I picked up a water pump for the van, and then headed over to Ralph's house. We worked on the van for about 4 hours. The water pump was difficult to get to, but Ralph knew what he was doing.. and he got it on. I tried to help as much as I could without getting in the way. It's sad to note that I'm not much of a car guy. (but I'm learning!)

Lydia took the kids over to my parents' house, and they where just sitting down to eat when I finally showed up. We hung out there for a good part of the day, and didn't leave until that evening. We played with the marshmallow guns, visited outside. M&M got to play with their cousin Elijah as well!


With the holiday being yesterday, it made today feel worse. We weren't really ready to get back into the weekly schedule!

Lydia picked up Malachi after picking Mysia up from school. When I got home from work, they were already home. The evening was pretty normal. We got the kids in bed at a decent time. Lydia did homework of course. And we got to bed later then we wanted to.


Mysia had Daisy Scouts today, and in spite of the rain, met at one of the parks on the other side of town. Since it was closer to church, Lydia decided that they'd meet Malachi and I there instead of coming back to the house. So after work, I picked up Malachi from daycare and we headed home to grab a bite real quick. At first, he didn't really want to eat his sandwich I made, but when I pulled out a can of olives, and said I'd share, he ate it up quickly! He had more fun eating olives off of his fingers!

We met the girls at church. Services were great, and the kids we taught were in a good mood despite the gloomy weather.


In the afternoon, Abigail met Lydia at the house, and they picked up Mysia from school. We wanted Abigail to know where the school was, and where to get her on the occasions we're not able to do so.

When I got home from work, Lydia had already picked up Malachi as well and was working on dinner. Abigail had decided to hang out for a it before going home, so she had dinner with us. Soon after supper, Moses came to hang out Lydia left for her mom's house. Her mom was holding a 'Spa' party, and Lydia was excited to go.

We watched tv for a while, and then I got Malachi ready for bed. I then helped Mysia with her homework before getting her ready for bed as well. Once the kids were down, we popped in a movie. Abigail left in the middle since it had gotten dark, and she didn't want to stay out too long. Moses stayed until the movie ended. By the time he left, Lydia was on her way home.

Lydia worked on homework for the rest of the night.


Around 5:45 a big thunderclap shook the house and woke us all up. I heard Malachi get up and run to Mysia's room. He started crying and Mysia hollered out that he was vomiting. Then I heard him run down the hallway. He vomited all the way!

Great....! :(

We got up and started cleaning up the mess, the poor guy started having diarrhea. Well, I started not feeling to great either. (Come to find out, Abigail had went home last night and was feeling ill as well) Malachi and I ended up on the couch, and had several vomiting moments before Lydia with Mysia for school.

We napped and when he woke up, I turned on the cartoons. We both were in a 'dumb' state of mind. The poor guy was weak. After a while I convinced him with some toast, and it worked. He was able to keep it down. (the red Gatorade was not much fun earlier)

He and I had a long afternoon nap, giving our bodies the rest they needed to re-cooperate. It worked! Well, it worked too good for Malachi! He was going at 200% afterwards! He started bring out his toys, and bounced around the house! I guess it was a good sign!

Lydia and Mysia came home around 4ish, after picking up supper from the store. We watched a bit of tv, and played with the kids for a while. We all got to bed at a decent time too!


If it wasn't for my sickness yesterday, I had originally planned on mowing at least the front lawn. But the rain had flooded our yards once again, and there was no way I was going to be able to even get the mower out of my shed! Go figure!

At 10, we met at the church for discipleship meeting. Our church does a discipleship course, and we had been wanting to participate. We realize our schedule is already a bit hectic, but we really want to participate in this course, and see what it may challenge us! It sounds very exciting!

On our way home, we stopped by the library. We all picked out several books. The kids got to enjoy the children's area as well. By the time we got home, they were tired. So we made lunch and put them down. Lydia and I were tired too, so we took naps as well. Boy did that feel good!

After supper, I did a grocery run. I accidentally left my bank card at home, so I had to leave the cart in customer service, run home, and come back and pay for the items. That made me feel idiotic. But, I know that it happens to other people at least once. As long as I don't do it again, I'll be fine!


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