Saturday, September 18, 2010

Social Networking: Good or Bad? (09/18/10)

I think I've pretty much addressed the good of social networking, especially proving that its not inherently "evil". However, is it good or bad?

I mostly think it's good. There are a lot of benefits. Sadly, there is some bad things about these sites. People can use them to sow hate and desertion among friends and relatives. Why? I really don't know. I've tried my best to come up with a good reason. But just like in any gathering of people (like a group), there's always a few who don't seem to want to play nicely. They like to add drama.

In a humorous aspect, when these people add drama, these sites get very interesting. But then again, it can also be hurtful. It's like tv soaps meet reality tv, but in a social networking theme!

So... Good or Bad? I say both.


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