Monday, January 18, 2010

Movie Night! (Friday, 01/15/10)

Overtime was over, and I got to go home at 5! So, in celebration, we picked up some movies from RedBox to watch.

We were hoping to get "Cloudy with a Change of Meatballs", but they were out. So we chose "Night At The Museum 2". We had been wanting to see it for a while, so it wasn't a bad thing to end up getting. And oh, it was a good movie! In fact, Lydia and I enjoyed it more than the kids! General Custer was a good character to add to the movie, and we laughed quite a bit during the film!

After the kids went to bed, Lydia and I watched "Julie and Julia". Which is based off a true story. It was a good movie as well! However, for a guy like me...... it sure did make me hungry! Oh, it also made me want to blog more!

Another thing: It was not intentional, but both movies stared Amy Adams. We didn't notice it until we started into the second movie!


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