Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Playing in the snow! (Monday, 01/04/10)

The main resolution for the new year was to go to the gym and workout daily. And since we paid the membership a couple of months ago due to the doctor saying I needed to work out more, I had no argument.

So... we got up early. Mysia was fine with getting up, Malachi was no, but we were able to get them dressed and out the door. It was cold outside!

We dropped them off at daycare, and then headed to the gym. I was tired, but we did a pretty good workout. It was then off to work for me! Lydia went to the college bookstore to pick up her books. She had an arm-full!

Lydia picked the kids up and then me at 5. When we got home, I bundled up Mysia and Malachi into their snow-suits and we headed outside. They played in the backyard for at least 25 minutes. Even though it was pretty dark, the snow illuminated the area enough that they were able to play with no problem. They spent most of the time climbing up the fort and sliding down the slide. Their snow-suits made the sliding a fast experience! (I posted a video and photos on facebook)

When we came in, Mysia looked at herself in the mirror and asked how come we had red cheeks! She's adorable at times!

Lydia had made chili for supper. It was the perfect thing to eat when coming in from the cold! Yum!


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